Yandex: the full definition of the Russian search engine

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What is Yandex?

When it comes to search engines, Google is often the first name that springs to mind.

However, there are many other players on the search engine market, and Yandex is one of them.

In this article, our SEO Agency will give you a detailed presentation of Yandex and its main features.

What is Yandex?

What is Yandex?

Yandex is a Russian search engine which was founded in 1997 by Arkadi Volozh and Ilya Segalovich, is Russia's leading search engine. over 60% market shareIt is also used in other countries of the former USSR, such as Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus. Yandex offers many services similar to those offered by Google, such as :

  • Web search Yandex's flagship service for finding information on the Internet by entering keywords.
  • Yandex.Images search and view images on the Internet
  • Yandex.Maps a mapping and navigation service
  • Yandex.Mail free e-mail service

Yandex features

Yandex offers many of the same features as the other major search engines. Here are some of the features that make Yandex so special:

A powerful and relevant search engine

Yandex stands out for the quality of its search resultsThis is made possible by high-performance algorithms that have been constantly improved over the years.

The Russian search engine takes various criteria into account when displaying results, such as the relevance of the content, the popularity of the site and the geographical location of the user. This means that the results are highly targeted and tailored to users' needs.

A customisable interface

One of the main features of Yandex is that it offers a wide range of services. highly customisable interface.

When you first visit the site, you can choose which types of content are displayed on the home page (news, weather, services, etc.) and how they are arranged.

What's more, Yandex offers the option of creating a user account and storing your display preferences, so you can return to your personalised work environment each time you log on.

Taking account of the Russian language

The fact that Yandex is a Russian search engine also gives it a clear advantage when it comes to handling the Cyrillic language and characters.

Russian-speaking web users can therefore benefit from an optimal search experience adapted to their mother tongue.

Referencing on Yandex

As with Google, it's important to work on your referencing on Yandexespecially if you are targeting the Russian market. Here are some tips for optimising your site for Yandex :

Quality of content

Content plays a key role in the positioning of your site on Yandex. It is therefore essential to provide quality, relevant and up-to-date content. It must be well structured, with a neat layout and good use of the HTML (headings, sub-headings, paragraphs, etc.). In addition, try to avoid duplicate content, which is penalised by Yandex.

Key words

To position yourself well on Yandex, it's essential to choose the right keywords you want to target. They must be present in a natural and recurring way in the content of your site, but also in the titles, the headings and the links. meta tags and the ALT attributes of images. Finally, don't forget to include keywords in the URL of your pages and to create relevant internal and external links around these terms.

Using rich snippets

The rich snippets (enriched extracts) can improve the visibility and attractiveness of your site on Yandex. These elements, which appear directly in the search results, can be used to display additional information about your site, such as ratings, images, prices or videos.

To set up rich snippets, you need to use the structured data and add specific tags to your content.

Yandex Zen: a personalised content platform

Yandex Zen is a service launched by Yandex in 2015.The Yandex platform, which can be accessed from the Yandex homepage or via a dedicated mobile application, compiles articles, videos and images from a variety of sources (websites, blogs, etc.). This platform, which can be accessed from the Yandex home page or via a dedicated mobile application, compiles articles, videos and images from a variety of sources (websites, blogs, etc.), blogssocial media, etc.).

Yandex Zen's artificial intelligence system constantly analyses users' preferences and reading habits to offer them content that is ever more relevant and likely to interest them.

In a nutshell

Yandex is a Russian search engine that occupies an important place in the search engine market in the countries of the former USSR.

Offering a customisable interface and expert support for the Russian language, it has many of the same features as Google.

Working on your SEO on Yandex can be a strategic move if you want to reach a Russian-speaking audience and benefit from the advantages offered by the search engine, such as the Yandex Zen personalised content platform.


References on Yandex :

General information websites :

Research articles :

Videos :

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