What is Behavioural SEO?

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Le Behavioural SEO is a natural referencing approach that combines search engine optimisation with an understanding of user behaviour on your site. website.

In this article, we'll look at 10 key points for understanding this SEO strategy.



Behavioural SEO

1. The concept of Behavioural SEO

This strategy involves analysing and optimising the content of your website based on user actions and behaviour. It's a user-centred approach aimed at improving the overall experience and increasing organised traffic.

2. The objectives of Behavioural SEO

The main objectives of this approach include

  • Increase your site's visibility in search engine results
  • Improve the relevance of your content to visitors
  • Optimising conversion and encourage user actions (for example, filling in a form or making a purchase)

3. The main free Behavioural SEO techniques

a. Analysis of user behaviour

To apply Behavioural SEO effectively, it is crucial to study the behaviour of visitors to your website. This can be done using tools such as Google Analyticswhich provide invaluable information on user actions, such as the time spent on each page, the number of pages viewed and the number of visitors. bounce rate and visitor routes.

b. Optimising content

Once you've identified the pages and elements of your website that attract or repel visitors, it's time to optimise your content on the basis of these observations. For example, if you notice that visitors spend little time on a specific page, this may mean that its content is not relevant or interesting to them. In this case, try adjusting the subject or presentation of the content on that page.

c. The A/B test

A/B testing is a powerful technique for evaluating the effectiveness of different variants of your web pages. By carrying out these tests, you can determine which version of your content is the most attractive to users and offers the best results in terms of referencing and conversions.

4. Online behavioural advertising

Behavioural online advertising is an integral part of Behavioural SEO, as it uses data about users' interactions with your website to target the ads that are most relevant to them. This approach increases user engagement and improves the performance of marketing campaigns.

5. Meta and Open Graph tags

To optimise content sharing on social networks and increase the visibility of your site, it is essential to include Meta tags and Open Graph in the code HTML tags on your web pages. These tags provide information about the title, description and image associated with each page, enabling search engines and social platforms to display them optimally.

6. Keywords based on user intent

As part of Behavioural SEO, it is important to target key words that correspond to users' intentions. For example, if you sell sports shoes online, it may be more effective to target queries such as "sports shoes for running" or "best sports shoes" rather than simply "sports shoes".

7. The use of structured data

The addition of structured data (schema markup) tags to your content not only improves the presentation of your pages in search results, but also helps search engines to better understand their subject matter. By including these tags in the HTML code of your web pages, you can convey important information about their content, such as the type of item or product, price, availability and much more.

8. Optimised internal linking

Le internal networking (internal links between pages on your site) is a key element of Behavioural SEO, as it influences user navigation and their understanding of content. By creating intelligent, relevant links between your pages, you can guide visitors to the content that interests them most and encourage them to find what they're looking for. Google to explore your site further.

9. Optimising page load times

Fast loading times are essential for providing a positive user experience and improving your search engine rankings. Optimisation techniques include compressing images, reducing the number of server requests and using caching to speed up page rendering.

10. Taking social signals into account

Shares, 'likes' and comments on social networks can influence the ranking of your pages in search engine results. To improve your social presence and encourage user engagement, make sure you include share buttons on your website and actively participate in conversations on social platforms.

In short, Behavioural SEO is a holistic, user-centred approach that aims to optimise both website content and the overall visitor experience. To take advantage of this strategy, it is important to study user behaviour, test different versions of content and adapt your site to the needs and preferences of your visitors. audience target.

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