Everything you need to know about search campaigns

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Search campaigns, also known as online advertising campaigns or paid referencingare an essential part of improving your company's visibility on search engines such as Google.

In this article, we're going to explore in detail what a search campaign is, the steps involved in setting one up and a few tips for optimising your results.


What is a search campaign?

A search campaign is a digital marketing strategy that consists of displaying targeted advertisements on search engine results pages (SERP).

These ads generally appear at the top or bottom of organic search results and are easily recognisable by the word "Ad" next to the title.

Unlike the referencing natural (SEO), the display of these ads is based on a bidding system where advertisers pay each time a surfer clicks on their ad (also known as cost per click : CPC).

Search campaigns are managed via advertising platforms such as Google Adsformerly known as Google AdWords. Google Ads is the most widely used advertising platform thanks to its popularity and the multiple functions it offers for creating, customising and analysing your campaigns.

How do I create a search campaign?

Step 1: Define your objectives

Before embarking on the creation of a search campaign, it is essential to clearly define your marketing objectives. These can vary according to your needs and priorities:

    • Raise your company's profile
    • Generate leads or sales
    • Improve traffic to your website
    • Attract potential customers to your physical shop

Finding the right objective for your company will enable you to better direct your campaign strategy and evaluate its return on investment (ROI).

Step 2: Choose the right keywords

Selecting the right keywords for your target audience is crucial to the success of your search campaign. It's all about finding the terms that your prospects are likely to use when they carry out an online search related to your product or service offering.

To help you, you can use tools such as the Google Ads Keyword Planner, which offers suggestions based on search history and average monthly volume.

Step 3: Create ad groups and write your ads

Once you have selected your keywords, it's time to create thematic ad groups around them. Ad groups are a set of similar ads designed to target a set of common keywords. It is recommended to have between 5 and 20 keywords per ad group.

In each ad group, you will create several text ads comprising :

    • A captivating title (30-character limit) including the main keyword
    • Two descriptions describing your offer with a call to action (limit of 90 characters each)
    • The final URL of the destination page (the page to which Internet users will be redirected after clicking on the ad)

Step 4: Define your budget and bids

The final step is to determine the daily budget you are prepared to spend on your search campaign. This budget will be divided between each ad group according to the bids you have decided to set for the targeted keywords.

There are various bidding strategies in Google Ads, ranging from manual cost per click to cost per target acquisition. It's up to you to choose the one that best suits your objectives and financial resources.

A few tips for optimising your search campaigns

Optimise your landing pages

An appropriate and relevant landing page is essential for converting your visitors into customers. Make sure that this page corresponds to the ad that leads to it:

    • It must be consistent with the content of the advert
    • It must have a fast loading time
    • It must contain a clear call to action and visible
    • It must be adapted for mobile devices if your target audience is likely to use this type of medium

Analyse and adjust your campaigns regularly

In order to constantly improve the performance of your Search campaigns, it is essential to monitor their results closely. Google Ads offers several indicators for measuring the effectiveness of your ads, such as the click-through rate (CTR), the average position, the conversion rate or cost per acquisition (CPA). A better understanding of these indicators enables you to make informed decisions to adjust and optimise your ads.

Use ad extensions

Ad extensions enable you to enhance your ads by adding additional information, such as your company address, clickable telephone numbers, links to specific pages or even customer reviews.

These elements make your adverts more attractive and encourage web users to take action.

In short, search campaigns are an excellent way of generating traffic and conversions for your business, provided they are well planned, implemented and analysed on a regular basis.

Don't forget that the key to success lies in understanding your target audience in depth and adapting quickly to their online behaviour.

What is SEA?

SEA (Search Engine Advertising) is a form of online advertising that enables companies to place ads on search engines.

How does Google Ads work?

Google Ads enables advertisers to create targeted ads based on specific keywords, which are displayed to users when they search on Google.

What's the difference between SEO and SEA?

Le SEO (Search Engine Optimization) involves optimising websites for search engines to improve their natural positioning, while the SEA consists of paying to display ads on search engines.

How does the Google Ads auction work?

The Google Ads auction is a system in which advertisers bid on specific keywords so that their ads are displayed when a user performs a search on Google.

The advertiser who wins the auction and has the best quality ad will have their ad broadcast.

What is Google Ads Quality Score?

The Quality Score is an indicator of the quality of the ad and the landing page to which it links.

This is a score from 1 to 10 that affects the cost and ranking of the ad.

The higher the Quality Score, the better the ad will perform and the cheaper it will cost.

How can I target a specific audience with Google Ads?

Google Ads allows you to target a specific audience using criteria such as geolocation, keywords, interests, age, gender and much more.

What is a Google Ads campaign?

A Google Ads campaign is a set of ads and associated parameters created to achieve a specific objective, such as generating leads or increasing sales.

How do you measure the performance of a Google Ads campaign?

The performance of a Google Ads campaign can be measured using metrics such as cost per click (CPC), conversion rate, click-through rate (CTR), return on investment (ROI) and much more.

What is Google Ads remarketing?

Google Ads remarketing is an advertising targeting method that involves displaying personalised ads to people who have already interacted with your business or website.

What impact does the quality of the landing page have on the performance of a Google Ads ad?

The quality of the landing page has a major impact on the performance of a Google Ads ad, as it can affect the bounce rate and the conversion rate.

A relevant, high-quality landing page can increase the chances of conversion and therefore reduce the cost per acquisition.

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