Discover Webinars: definition and benefits

by our Digital Agency Optimize 360

on the theme Webinar or Webinar

The webinars have revolutionised the way we transmit information and share knowledge with participants from all over the world.

In this article, we present the definition of a webinarThis will help us to better understand their growing importance in our connected society.


The word "Webinaire": an evolution of "Webinar

The term webinar "is the French version webinar", coined in the United States around 20 years ago by two entrepreneurs specialising in cutting-edge digital communications. It's interesting to note that this word is a contraction of Web" to refer to the main broadcasting channel, and " seminar" to evoke the traditional concept of conferences and training face-to-face.

Online webinars: how do they work?

A webinar is a online conference which enables a speaker or group of experts to present a subject to an audience of people located anywhere in the world. Thanks to the development of communication technologies and videoconferencing software such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams, webinars are now more accessible than ever.

They also offer possibility of sharing information and knowledge to a wider and more diverse audience, breaking down geographical barriers through the internet connection.

The main features of a webinar

  • Videoconferencing : the speaker can broadcast his image and voice, as well as multimedia supports (videos, slides) to illustrate what he is saying.
  • Live chat: Participants can ask questions and chat with the speaker or with each other via an instant chat window.
  • The opportunity to interact : some webinars allow participants to take the floor, for example to ask the speaker a question.
  • Recording : Webinars can be recorded for viewing at a later date or made available to those who were unable to attend live.
  • Document sharing : the speaker may be asked to share files or links to other relevant resources relating to the subject being discussed.

Why hold webinars?

Organising a webinar has a number of advantages for companies, organisations and individuals. Here are some of the benefits of using this technology:

  • Reaching an international audience: With a webinar, you can reach people all over the world without geographical constraints.
  • Save time and money: as there is no need for participants to travel, travel and accommodation costs are borne by the company.accommodation are avoided. What's more, it's often cheaper to run a webinar than a physical event.
  • Promoting products or services: Companies can organise webinars to present their offers to a wide audience, arouse the interest of potential customers and collect information from participants to add to their marketing database.
  • Boost your online visibility: Webinars can give a company or organisation a professional and innovative image, showing that they are following the latest trends in digital communication.
  • Sharing knowledge and skills : educational institutions, training organisations training and experts independent professionals often use webinars to pass on their knowledge and share advice with their students or clients.

The different types of webinars

There are various webinar categoriesDepending on their objective, the size of the audience and the format chosen. Here are some examples of common webinars:

  • Informative webinar : Its purpose is to present a subject, product or service. It generally provides information and advice to participants.
  • Educational webinar : The emphasis here is on learning and passing on skills. This type of webinar can be delivered by training organisations or experts in their field.
  • Online round table : Several speakers are brought together to discuss a topic and compare their points of view. Participants can ask questions and interact with the speakers.
  • Online workshop : In this format, participants are invited to put into practice what they learn during the webinar, for example by following steps to complete a specific task.

With this introduction to the world of online webinarsNow you have all the information you need to understand these increasingly popular virtual events. So don't hesitate to take part in webinars on subjects that interest you, or why not organise your own online events!

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