Understanding SEO Web Analytics in 10 key points

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What is SEO Web Analytics?

SEO Web Analytics is a discipline that consists of analysing, measuring and optimising the visibility of a website. website in search engines such as Google.

To get the most out of it, it's essential to understand its various aspects and know how to make the most of them.

In this article, we take a look at 10 essential elements for mastering SEO Web Analytics.

Web Analytics

1. Measuring incoming traffic

One of the primary objectives of SEO Web Analytics is to measure the traffic a website receives. The number of visitors and page views are indicators of whether your SEO strategy is succeeding or in need of improvement.

Traffic sources

It is also essential to know the sources of this traffic These can be organic (from non-paid search engine results), direct (when the user types in the site's URL directly), social (from social networks) or referral (via a link from another site).

2. Keyword tracking

In order to determine which terms are the most searched for by Internet users, it is important to follow the keyword trends on search engines. Knowing which keywords are the most effective in attracting traffic to your site will help you guide your content strategy and improve your SEO.

Long tail and specific keywords

The term "long tail" refers to the most specific keywords, with a search volume less important than generic terms, but which together can generate a significant proportion of traffic. They are generally less competitive and can therefore be better positioned in the search results.

3. Optimising content

To maximise the effectiveness of your SEO strategy, you need to produce quality, relevant and attractive content. It's vital to work on the structure, style and added value of the content you offer your visitors to improve their experience and encourage conversion.

Important HTML tags for SEO

The choice of tags HTML when writing an article or page is an integral part of content optimisation. The meta title, meta description and H1 tags are essential for structuring your pages properly and making them readable by search engine spiders.

4. Internal networking

Le internal networking is to create links between the different pages of your websiteThe result is a better flow of visitors and SEO 'juice' between pages. A good internal linking strategy will increase the time spent on your site and improve the authority and relevance of your pages.

Internal link anchors

Anchors are texts to which you add a link to another page on your site. It is preferable touse optimised anchors for your target keywords and avoid overly generic anchors such as "click here" or "find out more".

5. External netlinking

Obtaining inbound links from other quality websites to your site is very important for improving your natural referencing. The more these links come from sites that are thematically close to yours, the more value they have in the eyes of the search engines and help to increase your authority and your positioning in the results.

Netlinking campaign

Set up a campaign to netlinking can take a number of different forms: exchanging links with partners, writing guest articles on other blogs, participating in specialist directories, etc.

6. Analysing your site's performance

SEO Web Analytics is not just about measuring traffic and search engine positioning. SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). To fully understand whether your strategy is bearing fruit, you also need to measure the overall performance of your site in terms of loading time, performanceuser experience (UX) and conversion rate.

Performance tools and technical audits

The use of tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix allows you to measure the performance of your website and implement the necessary actions to improve it. In addition, regular technical audits can help you detect and correct potential errors that are holding back your SEO performance.

7. Traffic geolocation

If your business is highly dependent on your geographical location, it is important to take into account the geographical origin of your visitors. This means you can tailor your SEO strategy to your catchment areas and optimise the way your products or services are promoted according to the expectations of local web users.

Local referencing

To improve your visibility in local search results, you can use specific techniques such as sitemapping (adding a site map to your home page) or register on Google My Business and others local directories.

8. Competitive analysis

It is essential to take your competition into account when devising your SEO strategy. To do this, you need to analyse competitor sites who are positioning themselves on your target keywords and study their best practices for inspiration.

Competitive analysis tools

Solutions such as SEMrush, Ahrefs or Moz allow you to compare the SEO performance of several competing sites. So you can discover the key factors for their success and integrate them into your own strategy.

9. Tracking positions in search results

To measure the evolution of your visibility on the web and determine whether your SEO actions are bearing fruit, it is important to regularly monitor your positioning on keywords relevant to your business.

Tracking positions with Google Search Console

La Google Search Console is an essential tool for analysing your positions in the world's most widely used search engine. It allows you to track the keywords on which your site appears, your average position, and the pages of your site that generate the most organic traffic.

10. The importance of mobile

Finally, it is crucial to take into account the user experience on mobileMore and more people are doing their research on smartphones and tablets. So make sure your site is perfectly adapted to mobile screens (responsive) and optimised for the specific SEO criteria for these devices.

Mobile-friendly and mobile performance

Make sure your site is "mobile-friendly" by using tools such as Google Mobile-Friendly Test, and make sure you optimise the elements that can impact your site's performance on mobile (image size, loading time, code structure, etc.).

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