Discover a site's waterline: an essential concept in web design

Whether you are a developer, designer or simply a user with a passion for the web, the waterline is a concept that needs to be understood and mastered in order to optimise youruser experience websites, if you want to create a website.

In this article, find out what the waterline is, its importance in the web designas well as a few tips for improving your own website.


The waterline: definition and origins

In maritime navigation terms, the waterline refers to the boundary between the water and the hull of a vessel, which determines which part is submerged and which remains above water.

In web design, this analogy is used to explain the idea of invisible line dividing the part visible of the one hidden on a website.

More precisely, the waterline corresponds to the lower area of the screen on a computer, tablet or mobile phone when a site is being viewed.

It therefore represents the boundary between elements that are immediately visible and those that require scrolling to appear.

Why do we talk about the waterline?

The point of this metaphor is that, just like the hull of a ship, the distribution of elements within a web page must be balanced to ensure smooth and efficient navigation.

Elements that are essential to the user should be placed above the waterline, while additional or less important information can be placed below.

Understanding the importance of the waterline in web design

To design a high-performance website, a number of parameters need to be taken into account when it comes to positioning content and interactive elements. The waterline plays a crucial role in :

  1. Grab visitors' attention quickly,
  2. Promote the rate of conversion,
  3. Minimise bounce rate,
  4. Improve speed of access to relevant information.

Effects on user experience ( UX )

One of the major problems linked to the waterline concerns scrolling.

Users don't necessarily have the reflex to scroll down the page to access hidden content.

It is therefore important to ensure that the key elements are visible as soon as possible to avoid disappointment and premature abandonment.

But this doesn't mean that you should neglect content below the waterline! 

Judicious use of scrolling can help create a user experience that is both pleasant and practical, encouraging visitors to explore the whole page and highlighting content progressively.

Detecting and optimising your waterline

To improve the effectiveness of your website, you need to examine its waterline carefully and regularly. But how do you go about it? Here are a few key steps:

  1. identify the priority elements for your audience,
  2. identify which parts of the content are above and below this limit on several media (computer, tablet, smartphone),
  3. use online tools capable of analysing the behaviour of visitors to your site,
  4. implement continuous improvement strategies: additions, deletions and modifications to take account of changing user needs.

Tips for an optimised waterline

  • Play with contrasts to highlight key information above the waterline.
  • Optimise the ranking of your content giving priority to the essential elements in the upper areas and reserving the lower spaces for additional or less important details.
  • Simplify your design to avoid visual overload and focus attention on the relevant elements.
  • Adapt your content so that it reflects the way your users consume information online.

Ultimately, taking the waterline into account is an essential step in creating an effective website that is easy to navigate and adapted to the habits of web users.

So don't hesitate to follow this advice and regularly analyse your site's positioning to optimise the user experience.

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