VSEO: Optimise the visibility of your videos online

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With the explosion of video content on the Internet, it has become essential to optimise SEO to stand out from the crowd and ensure greater visibility.

This is where the VSEO (Video Search Engine Optimization)a specific optimisation technique for online videos.

This article explains the basics of this constantly evolving discipline.


What is the VSEO?

VSEO, or Video Search Optimization, is a method for optimising the visibility of videos published online, particularly on search engines.

It is therefore a set of techniques and best practices designed to improve the positioning of a video in search results, both on Google and on video sharing platforms such as YouTube or Dailymotion.

It should be noted that work on SEOV is not limited to the moment of publication of the video, but must be taken into account from the design phase of the project. Certain decisions taken upstream can have a significant impact on a video's SEO performance.

Why is this important?

In a context where the creation of video content represents an important part of communication and digital marketing, having excellent visibility is crucial. There are many advantages to good video SEO:

    • Increase awareness of your brand.
    • Attract a targeted, qualified audience.
    • Encourage web users to engage with your content.
    • Generate traffic from search engines to your web pages or channel YouTube.

That's why VSEO needs to be integrated into your overall digital marketing strategy to make the most of your videos and achieve your online objectives.

The key elements of VSEO

In addition to careful video production and an attractive subject, there are a number of factors that can improve the visibility of a video. Focus on the essential points.

The choice of keywords

As with all SEO work, determining the right keywords is fundamental in SEOV. You need to identify the terms that web users are looking for and incorporate them judiciously into the title, description and tags of the video. The keyword search can be achieved using tools such as Google AdWords, Semrush or YouTube Analytics.

Optimising titles, descriptions and tags

The metadata associated with a video is essential for its referencing:

    • Title It must integrate the keyword concise while remaining informative and attractive.
    • Description It should provide additional information about the video, as well as its context and objectives. Relevant keywords should be integrated in a natural way.
    • Tags (or labels) tags: these allow you to associate specific terms with your video and improve its visibility. You need to choose tags that match your theme and target keywords.

Subtitles and transcriptions

There are several advantages to adding subtitles or a transcript to a video:

    • Making content accessible to a audience hearing-impaired or non-French speakers.
    • Improve the indexing of content by search engines thanks to the text associated with the video.

Technical quality

Finally, the technical quality of the video plays a decisive role in SEOV. Resolution and encoding appropriate, support for different formats and browsers, as well as an optimal weight/quality ratio are all elements that influence the SEO performance of your video.

Promoting your video

Internet user engagement : KPIs and analysis

User behaviour also has a significant impact on video referencing. It is therefore essential to monitor certain key performance indicators, such as :

    • The drop-out rate.
    • Average viewing time.
    • Shares and comments.

This data can be used to analyse the effectiveness of your VSEO and adjust your strategy if necessary.

Promotional campaigns and social networks

To optimise the visibility of a video, it's important not to limit yourself to search engines. Distribution platforms and social networks are complementary levers: remember to share your videos on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or even Instagramand don't hesitate to contact the influencers likely to be interested in your content.

Finally, SEOV is a complex, constantly evolving discipline that requires constant monitoring and rigorous work to achieve maximum impact.

By applying the best practices presented in this article, you have every chance of significantly improving the visibility of your videos online.

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