Definition of Voice Search (and its impact on SEO)

Through our SEO Agency Optimize 360.

La voice search is a technology that allows users to ask questions and get answers without having to type their query.

Instead, people simply speak their questions out loud and a digital assistant (such as Google Assistant, Siri or Alexa) provides the results.

The rapid development of this technology has significant implications for search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies.

Understanding voice search and how to use it is essential if you want to continue optimising your business. website and achieve greater audience.

In this article, our SEO Agency will discuss the definition of voice search in SEO, as well as the different techniques for integrating it into your strategy.

Voice search

Understanding voice search in SEO

Before delving into the details of voice search in SEO, it is useful to familiarise ourselves with certain key terms:

  • Voice query : A question asked by a user using their voice rather than typing a search.
  • Voice assistant : A computer programme designed to answer users' questions by voice, like Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa or Apple Siri.
  • Device compatible with voice search : Any device equipped with a voice assistant, such as smartphones, tablets and smart speakers.

Now that you're familiar with these terms, let's move on to a more detailed analysis of voice search in SEO.

The specifics of voice search

In order to adapt your SEO strategy to reflect the growing use of voice search, it is essential to understand the main differences between this technology and traditional text search. Here are some of the unique characteristics of voice search:

Natural language

Voice search users tend to use more natural, conversational language in their queries. This way of asking questions can be very different from the way people generally type their searches.

Long requests

On average, voice queries are longer than text queries. This means you'll need to consider targeting longer, more specific key phrases to reach users who perform voice searches.

Local search

Voice search is often used to find local information, such as nearby restaurants, shops or tourist attractions. So it's crucial to focus on local SEO.

Instant results

Users expect quick and accurate answers when they carry out a voice search. Voice assistants generally favour a single relevant answer, rather than providing a long list of search results. This underlines the importance of ranking first in search results for voice queries.

Optimising your website for voice search

Now that you understand the specifics of voice search, it's time to learn how to optimise your website to take advantage of this technology. Here are a few tips:

Use natural and conversational language

Adapt the content of your site to reflect the way users express themselves when they carry out voice searches. Use a more conversational tone and include more key words long tail in your articles and titles.

Answering common questions

Voice searches often take the form of questions. To optimise your site, consider creating content that directly answers the questions most frequently asked by users in your field of activity or niche.

Providing accurate local information

If you run a local business, make sure that all the information about your business (address, opening times, etc.) is up to date and easy to find. Voice assistants will draw on this data to answer questions from users looking for local information.

Ensuring mobile compatibility

As a large proportion of voice searches are carried out on mobile devices, it is essential that your site is perfectly adapted to smartphones and tablets. Your site needs to be fast, responsive and easy to navigate to offer the best possible user experience. user experience possible.

Using structured data

Voice assistants often make use of information from sources such as rich snippets or enriched extracts in their answers. Make sure you include structured data on your site to increase your chances of being selected as a source of information for voice searches.

Voice search: an opportunity to be seized

In conclusion voice search is constantly evolving, offering new opportunities for companies and websites to stand out from the crowd.

By staying on top of trends and optimising your content for this technology, you can maximise your online visibility and take advantage of the boom in voice search.

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