Understanding the importance of an SEO visibility report in 10 points

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What is a SEO visibility ?

The world of online marketing is constantly evolving and competition is growing all the time.

To remain competitive, it is essential to regularly monitor the performance of your website and continually improve its visibility on search engines such as Google.

This is where the SEO visibility report comes in. In this article, we'll find out what an SEO visibility report is and the ten key points to consider when optimising your website.

Visibility report

1. Definition of an SEO visibility report

SEO visibility report is a document that evaluates your website's performance on search engines by analysing a number of criteria such as keyword rankings, organic traffic, search engine rankings, etc. backlinks or the rate of conversion. This report highlights the strengths and weaknesses of your SEO strategy so that you can further optimise your online presence and attract more qualified visitors to your website.

2. The main KPIs (key performance indicators)

Positions in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages)

The positioning of your website in search engine results is crucial to attracting organic traffic. The SEO visibility report will show you the keywords for which your site ranks and how they have changed over time. This will enable you to adjust your content and improve your SEO in line with market trends.

Organic traffic

Organic traffic corresponds to the number of visitors who access your website via search engines without going through paid advertising. An SEO visibility report should include changes in organic traffic over a given period, as this shows whether or not your SEO efforts are bearing fruit.


Backlinks are incoming links from other websites that point to yours. They play an important role in your site's search engine ranking. The SEO visibility report should list and analyse the backlinks you have obtained in order to determine their quality and relevance to your overall SEO strategy.

3. Competitive analysis

A complete SEO visibility report should also include an analysis of the competition. By observing your competitors' performance, you can identify the strengths of their SEO strategies and use them to improve your own. For example, it can be interesting to study which keywords your competitors are using and how they rank in relation to you.

4. Technical optimisation of the site

The technical aspect of your website has a major influence on its SEO performance. Some of the things you need to check and optimise are loading speed pages, server response time, image optimisation and mobile compatibility. An SEO visibility report should include a technical analysis of your site and point out the elements that need to be corrected to improve its overall performance.

5. Quality of content

The content of your website is crucial to attracting and retaining the attention of visitors, as well as encouraging them to return. In an SEO visibility report, the content published on your site is analysed to determine whether it meets search engine requirements in terms of freshness, originality, relevance and quality. This stage also identifies opportunities for creating new strategic content to target specific keywords.

6. Keyword analysis

Keywords are essential for good SEO because they ensure that your content is well aligned with the searches made by Internet users. The SEO visibility report should identify the high-performance keywords as well as those with potential for improvement. What's more, this analysis can highlight new keyword opportunities that can be exploited to increase your website's visibility.

7. Conversion rates

Although organic traffic is important for your website's visibility, it is just as crucial to convert these visitors into customers. The SEO visibility report should therefore include data on conversion rate and indicate whether your landing pages are effective in encouraging visitors to take action.

8. Market trends and developments

Search engines and user behaviour are constantly evolving. A good SEO visibility report should take account of market trends and developments so that you can adjust your SEO strategy accordingly. For example, it may be useful to study the emergence of new keywords in your sector of activity or the new features offered by search engines to improve navigation for web users.

9. Recommendations for action

The main aim of an SEO visibility report is to improve your website's performance on search engines. It should therefore provide recommendations for concrete actions to be taken to optimise your SEO strategy, whether in terms of the technical aspects, content or promotion of your website.

10. Presentation of results

An SEO visibility report must be clear, precise and illustrated with graphs and other visual representations that make it easier to understand the data analysed. What's more, it's important to present the results obtained in a comparative way so that you can measure the evolution of your website's performance over time and judge the effectiveness of your SEO strategy.

In short, an SEO visibility report is a valuable tool for maximising your website's presence and performance on search engines. By taking these 10 key points into account when drawing up your report, you'll be doing everything you can to improve your SEO and attract more qualified visitors to your website.

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