Understanding User Experience (UX) in SEO in 10 points

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User Experience

Improving the search engine ranking of websites is a major concern for website owners and digital marketing professionals.

One effective way of achieving this is to optimise the user experience (UX).

This article guides you through the key concepts to understand the importance of UX for your SEO strategy in 10 essential points.

User Experience

1. Definition of User Experience (UX)

L'user experienceor UX, refers to the overall perception and emotions experienced by a user when browsing a website. website or uses a mobile application. It encompasses various aspects such as usefulness, user-friendliness, visual appeal and the effectiveness of the interaction between the user and the digital product.

2. How UX impacts SEO

In simple terms, a website with a good user experience encourages users to stay longer, consult more pages and carry out specific actions such as buying a product or subscribing to a newsletter. newsletter. These factors have a positive impact on the rate of conversion and thus increase the site's visibility in search engines.

3. The components of UX

There are a number of elements that make up the user experience. Some of the most important elements include :

  1. Conviviality : A website must be easy to use and navigate, with quick access to the information you are looking for.
  2. Accessibility : The site must be designed to be usable by as many users as possible, including those with specific accessibility needs.
  3. Compatibility : Web pages must display correctly on different browsers, operating systems and screen sizes (responsive design).
  4. Loading time : Fast loading times contribute to a positive user experience and are also taken into account by search engines when assessing the quality of a site.

4. User perspectives versus search engine perspectives

When working on your SEO UX strategy, it's important to remember that the search engine is a "non-human" visitor to your site. It is therefore essential to optimise not only for users but also for search engine spiders. This includes working on the architecture of the site, the structuring of content and the judicious use of meta tags.

5. Importance of human-machine interaction

The study ofhuman-machine interaction enables us to understand how a user interacts with a digital device and how this interaction can be improved. This is particularly relevant to the UX optimisation process in SEO, where the main objective is to make it easier for users to use the website and encourage their engagement with the content.

6. Impact of content quality on UX

The content is a crucial aspect of the user experience on a website, because it's not just about providing valuable information, it's also about offering attractive and engaging content. Well-written, interesting content that includes the key words will be appreciated by both users and search engines, who will see this content as a reliable and useful source of information.

7. Adaptive designs for a better user experience

Using adaptive designsMobile-optimised websites, i.e. those that automatically adjust to different screen sizes, make a major contribution to improving the UX and have a direct impact on natural referencing. Indeed, Google favours sites that are optimised for mobile, particularly since the roll-out in 2018 of its indexMobile First ". The latter mainly takes into account the mobile version of a site for evaluation and indexing purposes.

8. A/B tests to refine the UX

A/B testing consists of comparing two versions of a web page or a specific element (for example, a button) to determine which version works best to achieve a specific objective. These tests make it possible to improve UX by making data-driven decisions about user preferences and behaviour, rather than assumptions or hunches.

9. UX key performance indicators (KPIs)

To measure the effectiveness of the user experience in SEO, it is essential to have a clear idea of the key performance indicators (KPIs). These generally include :

  • Bounce rate Percentage of visitors who leave the site after viewing only the entry page.
  • Average session duration: average time spent by a visitor on the site
  • Pages viewed per session: average number of pages viewed by a user during a visit.
  • Conversion rate Percentage of users who carry out a desired action (purchase, newsletter subscription, etc.)

10. Follow UX trends to improve your natural referencing

To constantly adapt your site's user experience to the expectations of Internet users, it's essential to keep abreast of the latest UX trends and regularly update your knowledge in this area.

Research into new UX techniques and processes can give you a competitive edge and make a significant contribution to improving your SEO visibility.

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