User-centric SEO: 10 key points for a user-centric approach

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What is User-Centric SEO?

In the world of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), practices are evolving to adapt to changes in search engine algorithms. Google.

These developments include a user-centric approach, known as User-Centric SEO.

Why is this important and what are the key points to be aware of? Here's a 10-point guide to this new method.

User-Centric SEO

1. Understanding the concept of User-Centric SEO

User-centric SEO is an approach that puts the needs and expectations of users at the heart of the SEO strategy. Rather than focusing solely on the technical aspects, this method places theuser experience (UX)to improve not only the visibility of a websitebut also its overall performance and its ability to meet the expectations of Internet users.

2. Adapting your content to your audience

To adopt a User-Centric approach, it is essential to have a good understanding of your business. audience and to be able to identify their needs so as to offer them a product or service that is tailored to them. A good analysis of your target audience enables you to write relevant content that meets the expectations of Internet users.

Adapt tone and vocabulary :

Depending on the user profile, you need to adjust the tone and vocabulary used to best meet their expectations. For example, a young audience will be more receptive to a relaxed tone and colloquial expressions.

Diversify content formats:

In order to satisfy all categories of Internet user, it is advisable to vary the content formats (articles, videos, infographics, etc.) and to use a variety of media such as text, audio and video.

3. Optimising site architecture

A clear, organised site structure makes it easier to navigate and enables visitors to find the information they are looking for quickly. It is therefore important to create a logical tree structure that reflects the different categories and sub-categories of your website or your blog. You should also consider including an internal search engine to improve accessibility.

4. Encouraging mobility

Today, more than half of all online searches are carried out from a smartphone or tablet. That's why, it is crucial to develop a site responsive web design that adapts to different screen formats.

5. Improve loading speed

The speed with which pages load is a very important criterion for providing a good user experience. Internet users are likely to leave your site if pages take too long to load. What's more, Google takes into account loading speed in the ranking of sites and can therefore penalise those that are too slow.

6. Simplified navigation

To encourage visitors to explore your site, it is essential to offer them a simple and fluid navigation. To achieve this, opt for clear, distinct menus and remember to include a breadcrumb trail to make it easier for your visitors to find their way around your pages.

7. Work on internal linking

Le internal networkinglinks, i.e. the links that lead from one page to another on the same site, are also very important for improving the user experience. It makes browsing easier and helps Internet users discover more content. So make sure you create relevant links between your content to encourage your visitors to continue their journey on your website or blog.

8. A pleasant, professional design

The look and feel of your site has a direct impact on what visitors think of it, and on their desire to stay and explore your pages. A polished, professional design that is in keeping with your theme helps to deliver a successful user experience.

9. Make its content accessible to all

To promote digital inclusion and meet legal requirements in terms of accessibility, it is important to make your site accessible to all types of user. Layout, fonts, colour contrasts, alternative texts for images and videos are all points that need to be taken into account to provide an optimal user experience for everyone.

10. Monitor performance indicators

To measure the effectiveness of your User-Centric SEO strategy, it is advisable to monitor various KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) on a regular basis such as the bounce ratethe time spent on the site, the number of pages consulted and the rate of conversion. This data will help you to identify where you need to make improvements and adjust your user-centred SEO approach accordingly.

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