Universal search: everything you need to know about this SEO definition

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Universal Search

La universal searchalso known as "Universal Search", is a key concept in SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

It applies mainly to the search results pages of Googlewhich offers a richer, more complete experience for users.

Universal Search

Understanding universal search: Origins and operation

The principle of universal search was introduced by Google in 2007. Before that date, the results of a query made on this search engine only displayed links to classic web pages, with text and possibly images.

In 2007, Google began including other types of content from different sources in its search results, such as videos, news, maps and images.

Data sources in universal search

Google now draws on several databases to create its results pages, offering a more varied response tailored to the needs and expectations of Internet users:

    • Web : This is Google's historical source, comprising all the web pages indexed by the search engine.
    • Videos : video content is drawn mainly from YouTubetheaccommodation videos belonging to Google, but also to other sites.
    • Images : images are retrieved from websites and indexed in a specific database.
    • News : Google News is used to aggregate news and articles from different online media.
    • Maps : the maps come from Google Maps, which also offers local search functions.
    • PDF files and other document formats : This content, generally taken from websites, is also sometimes integrated into search results to provide a more complete picture.

Choosing the results to be displayed by the search engine

To decide what types of content to include in its results pages, Google uses a complex algorithm whose criteria are likely to change regularly. Among the elements taken into account are :

    • The relevance of the proposed content to the query made
    • The popularity and authority of different data sources
    • Users' personal preferences, determined in particular by data collected via their Google Accounts
    • The search history and browsing habits of Internet users

Impact of universal search on SEO

The introduction of universal search has had a major impact on website SEO strategies, as it has made the optimisation work involved in achieving a high ranking in the results pages more complex and more competitive.

Expanding visibility opportunities

The introduction of different types of content in search results has also opened up new possibilities for gaining visibility on Google. It is now possible to appear not only thanks to a well-referenced article or page, but also via :

    • A video published on YouTube or another hosting site
    • Optimised, well-tagged images for SEO
    • News articles submitted and accepted on Google News
    • Good local referencing with Google Maps
    • Creation and optimisation of PDF documents and other indexable file formats

Adapting referencing strategies

To make the most of universal search, SEO specialists have had to adapt their approaches and working methods:

    1. Diversification of communication media: it is essential not to confine ourselves to text and traditional web pages, but to develop and promote more multimedia content (video, images, etc.) likely to appeal to web users and search engines.
    2. Optimising technical elements : In addition to keywords and inbound links, other elements need to be taken into account for local referencing (address and telephone number), indexable files (PDF, etc.) or images (alt tags, captions, etc.).
    3. Creating synergies between channels: It is important to think about integrating the different sources of content into a coherent whole, for example by incorporating videos into web pages or sharing news articles on social networks.
    4. Setting up a permanent monitoring system: Given the constant evolution of Google's algorithms and the new types of results it regularly offers, it's important to keep abreast of new developments and be ready to adapt your strategy accordingly.

Going further with universal search

Although universal search has radically changed the SEO landscape, it remains a major opportunity for gaining visibility on the Internet.

It is therefore essential to master this concept in order to take advantage of the many possibilities offered by search engines such as Google.

With this in mind, it may be appropriate to monitor training dedicated to natural referencing, to deepen your knowledge and learn how to implement effective, long-term strategies.

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