Definition of SEO Traffic Acquisition

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Traffic acquisition consists of implementing actions to attract and retain visitors to a website.

To optimise these actions, you need to understand the different traffic acquisition levers and put in place a strategy tailored to your objectives.

In this article, our Search Engine Optimisation Agency takes a look at the main traffic acquisition levers, their advantages and how to use them effectively.


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Search engine optimisation (SEO): the cornerstone of traffic acquisition

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is one of the main sources of traffic for a website. website. 

This involves optimising the structure and content of a site to improve its position in the results of search engines such as Google. Good natural referencing increases the visibility of the site and generates qualified traffic free of charge.

How can you optimise your natural referencing?

To ensure good natural referencing, here are a few points to bear in mind:

    • Offer high-quality, relevant and regularly updated content on your site.
    • Optimising tags HTML of your site (title, description, Hn...).
    • Work on the structure of your site to make it easier for visitors to navigate.
    • Improve the performance and speed of your site.
    • Get inbound links (backlinks) to increase your site's popularity with search engines.

Paid search (SEA): a temporary traffic booster

Le paid referencingor SEA (Search Engine Advertising) consists of buying visibility on search engines through advertising campaigns. 

This traffic-acquisition lever enables you to appear at the top of search results immediately. The cost is generally based on a cost-per-click (CPC).

When should you use paid search?

Paid search can be used in a number of ways:

    • When launching a site to generate traffic quickly.
    • To promote a special offer, an event or a new product range.
    • To occupy a dominant position on competitive keywords.

Social networks: a vector for virality and engagement

Social networks represent an excellent opportunity to reach a wide audience. audience and create engagement with your content. By regularly sharing content on these platforms, you can attract visitors to your site and develop your brand awareness. Social networks also allow you to target specific audiences through paid advertising.

Which social networks to choose?

The choice of social networks depends on your target audience and your objectives:

    • Facebookthe social network with the largest audience, adapted for sharing content with the general public.
    • Twitterideal for sharing news and information in real time.
    • Instagramis particularly well suited to visual content and brand promotion.
    • LinkedInideal for professional content and B2B.

Emailing: an effective loyalty-building tool

Emailing consists of regularly sending electronic messages to a list of contacts to inform, promote or build loyalty. 

If properly managed, emailing can generate a large amount of qualified traffic to your site, while maintaining relationships with your customers and prospects. It is important to segment your database and personalise your campaigns to maximise their effectiveness.

The keys to successful emailing

To ensure the success of your email campaigns, remember to :

    • Take care with the subject line to encourage recipients to open the email.
    • Write a clear, concise and relevant message.
    • Include calls to action to encourage clicks.
    • Analyse the performance of your campaigns (open rate, click rate, etc.).

Partnerships and influencer marketing: an important lever for raising brand awareness

Partnerships with other sites or influencers can be a highly effective way of increasing your visibility and attracting new visitors to your site. By choosing partners that match your target audience, you can take advantage of their audience and credibility to develop your prospect base. Partnerships can take different forms: content exchange, sponsorship, affiliation, etc.

How do you identify the right partners?

To find the ideal partners:

    • Conducting a competitive intelligence and identify the influential players in your sector.
    • Analyse their audience and their impact on social networks.
    • Establish a win-win partnership plan.

By intelligently combining these different traffic acquisition levers, you can boost traffic to your website and achieve your growth targets more quickly.

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