Topic cluster SEO: an innovative approach to optimising your search engine optimisation

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The world of SEO is constantly evolving, and it can be difficult to keep up with the latest trends and techniques for improving the visibility of your site on search engines.

One of the most promising current strategies is the topic SEO clusterwhich aims to organise content in a more logical way by creating groups around a central theme.

Topic cluster

What is the SEO topic cluster?

Before delving into the details of this method, let's take a moment to understand what "topic cluster" means in SEO terms. A topic cluster is made up of a set of secondary pages, all linked together and revolving around a main theme, called pillar page.

This type of content organisation has several advantages:

  • Better understanding of content by search engines thanks to a clear, hierarchical structure.
  • Better ranking for long-tail keywords because secondary pages generally target more specific searches than the main page.
  • A better user experience because visitors can find out more about a subject on the secondary pages offered within any topic cluster.
  • Optimised display of internal links, which makes it easier for users and search engines to discover and explore content.

The SEO topic cluster technique: a 3-step methodology

To reap the full benefits of topic cluster SEO, we recommend structuring your approach into three main phases. Respecting this methodology will ensure better referencing and greater understanding of your site. website by search engines.

1. Determine your main themes and choose your anchor pages

To begin with, draw up a list of topics or categories around which you want to organise your website. These main themes will serve as the basis for your pillar pages. For each theme, choose a keyword and target it for a pillar page. Your pillar page should be comprehensive and informative, providing an overview of the subject without going into too much specific detail.

2. Create coherent and relevant sub-pages

Next, identify the related questions that users are likely to ask when looking for information on the theme of each of your pillar pages. These are the long tail keywords we mentioned earlier. Write a secondary page to answer these questions and provide quality, relevant content.

An important rule for writing secondary pages is to avoid covering the same subjects as those already covered by the main page, in order to avoid both redundancy and competition between these different pages of the SEO topic cluster.


3. Create internal links between main pages and secondary pages

The final step is to optimise navigation between the different pages in the topic cluster by creating internal links between them. Each secondary page should contain a link to the corresponding pillar page. Similarly, the pillar page should also contain links pointing to each of the secondary pages that make up the SEO topic cluster. This interconnection facilitates the circulation of users and exploration robots on your website.

Optimising the SEO topic cluster: a few more tips

Now that you know how to structure and create your topic clusters, here are a few tips to help you optimise their impact on your natural referencing:

  • Don't neglect performance analysis. Data analysis tools such as Google Analytics or SEO audit platforms can give you an overview of trends and the effectiveness of your topic cluster efforts. Use this information to adapt and continually improve your strategy.
  • Be flexible. If a topic isn't working as well as expected, don't hesitate to review the structure of your topic cluster, the targeted keywords and the internal links accordingly.
  • Focus on the quality of your content. Effective SEO takes time and effort, and the success of an SEO topic cluster depends largely on the quality of the content on each page. So make sure you always offer added value to web users, while also meeting the technical requirements of SEO.
  • Update your secondary pages regularly to keep abreast of the latest trends, news and innovations in your field. Obsolete or out-of-date content can undermine the effectiveness of your package and your credibility with visitors.

With these tips in mind and a good understanding of the definition of the SEO topic cluster, you're ready to organise and optimise your website to better meet the expectations of search engines and web users. Your natural referencing will be strengthened, increasing your visibility and impact on the Web.

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