the essential tool for optimising your website

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 What is

To ensure maximum visibility for your websiteTo achieve this, it is essential to work on various aspects of natural referencing.

One of the key elements to take into account is the technical optimisation of the site. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the and how it can help you in this improvement process.


1. What is is an online platform offering a range of free tools for carrying out a full technical audit of your website. By analysing and identifying potential or existing problems, this solution helps you optimise every aspect of your site to improve the ranking of your pages in search engine results.

2. Why use a technical audit tool like

A technical audit is essential to identify any errors that may be affecting the performance and SEO of your site. These errors can have a negative impact on speed and indexing, and prevent your SEO efforts from being ineffective. By using, you can be sure of having a complete overview of all the technical aspects of your site that directly influence its SEO.

3. The 10 main points covered by the tool

  1. Key words : analysis of the relevance and competition of the keywords used on your site.
  2. Meta Data : verification of meta tagsincluding titles, descriptions and Open Graph tags.
  3. URLs : analysis of the structure and format of URLmaking sure they are optimised for search engine optimisation.
  4. Images : check that all images have Alt tags and are the right size for fast loading.
  5. Internal and external links : detection of dead or broken links on your site and consideration of the distribution of internal links.
  6. Site speed : assessment of loading speed of your pages and suggestions for improvement.
  7. Mobile version : check that your site is mobile-friendly and responsive.
  8. Sitemap : check whether a sitemap has been created and submitted to the search engines.
  9. Robots.txt : check that the robots.txt file, which manages access to your site by search engine spiders, is present and correctly configured.
  10. SSL certificate : checking the validity and trustworthiness of the SSL certificate to ensure the security of data exchanged between visitors and your site.

4. How do I use

To use the tool, simply visit the website and enter the URL of your site in the bar provided. The audit process will then start automatically and may take a few minutes depending on the size of your website. Once the analysis is complete, you will receive a full report detailing the various points analysed, the problems detected and advice on how to resolve them.

5. The benefits of

5.1 A variety of free tools

One of the main advantages of this tool is that it offers a wide range of functions at no cost. Whether it's analysing your keywords or checking the links on your site, each of these tools can be used to improve your natural referencing.

5.2 A simple, user-friendly interface has a clear, intuitive interface that makes it easy for even novice users to carry out a technical audit. The various functions are quickly and easily accessible, making them a pleasure to use for everyone.

5.3 Accurate, usable results

The reports provided by the Technical SEO tool are both comprehensive and easy to understand. They provide a clear picture of your site's technical shortcomings and guide you through the steps you need to take to optimise every aspect of your site.

6. FAQ: frequently asked questions about

  • Do I need to create an account to use the tool? No, no registration is required to access the platform's basic functions.
  • Are the results immediate? The analysis time depends on the size of your site and the number of pages to be checked. However, the process is generally quick, taking just a few minutes on average.
  • Do you need technical knowledge to understand the reports? The reports are designed to be accessible even to people with little knowledge of SEO.
  • Does using this platform guarantee a good position in Google? While no tool can guarantee you a high ranking on search engines, helps to significantly improve your site's chances of being well referenced by correcting existing errors and following its optimisation advice.

7. In short, why choose

To ensure the technical quality of your website and maximise its natural referencing potential, it is essential to use a high-performance tool like

This free platform offers a wide range of features that enable you to quickly identify problems and propose concrete solutions to resolve them. By improving every technical aspect of your site in this way, you are putting all the chances on your side to achieve a better position in the search engine results and therefore attract quality traffic.

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