Understanding SXO: issues and definitions

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on the theme : UX and SEO

In the world of digital marketing, search engine optimisation (SEO) is a key element in ensuring the visibility and success of your website.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has developed considerably over the years to deliver ever more relevant results to users.

However, a new approach has recently emerged, focusing on the user experience: the SXO (Search eXperience Optimization). In this article, we take a look at what SXO is and its benefits, through 10 key points.SXO

1. What is SXO?

SXO (Search eXperience Optimization) can be defined as optimising theuser experience when they visit a website, starting with the search phase on search engines such as Google. The main objective is to make it easier for web users to navigate and understand the content, while responding precisely to their needs and expectations.

2. The origins of SXO

The origins of SXO lie in the desire of search engines, particularly Google, to constantly improve the quality and relevance of the results displayed. Algorithms regularly evolve to take into account not only the quality of website content, but also the user experience.

3. The difference between SXO and SEO

While SEO focuses primarily on optimising websites for search engines (in particular through the quality of their content, links and meta tags), the SXO goes further by also taking into account the user experience (UX).

However, it is important to stress that these two approaches are complementary:

  • SEO improves the visibility and positioning of a site in search engine results.
  • The SXO aims to improve the user experience so that they stay longer on the site and are encouraged to return regularly.

4. Key SXO indicators

The main indicators of success of a SXO strategy are :

  • The rate of conversion This measure reflects the percentage of visitors who take action (purchase, quote request, registration, etc.).
  • Le bounce rate This represents the percentage of visitors who leave a site after consulting a single page. A high rate may indicate that the user experience is not satisfactory.
  • Average session duration: the longer the session duration, the greater the interest shown by users in the content on offer.
  • The percentage of pages viewed per session: a high number of pages viewed indicates smooth navigation and content that is appreciated by visitors.

5. The importance of design in the user experience

Design is a central element of the user experience. It must be both pleasing and functional, enabling users to find the information they are looking for easily, as well as navigating between the different pages of the site with ease. A successful design will make a major contribution to :

  • Make your content more attractive and engaging,
  • Helping people to understand and remember information,
  • Encourage Internet users to take action (purchase, share, etc.).

6. Good practice in SXO

To put in place an effective SXO strategy, here are a few tips to bear in mind:

  1. Opt for a clean, responsive design, suitable for all media (computer, tablet, mobile).
  2. Choose a intuitive navigation and coherent, with a clear menu and relevant categories.
  3. Improve text legibility by working on font size, line spacing, colours, etc.
  4. Include high-quality visuals (images, videos) to enhance the appeal and impact of your content.
  5. Encourage interaction with users by integrating elements such as call-to-action buttons, contact forms, links to social networks, etc.

7. The benefits of SXO for your website

Implementing an effective SXO strategy can bring a number of significant benefits to your site:

  • Better positioning : By satisfying search engine criteria, you increase your chances of appearing on the first page of results.
  • A conversion rate optimized : By offering your visitors a pleasant, seamless experience, you will increase their satisfaction and commitment to your brand.
  • Improved customer loyalty: Customers who are satisfied with their experience are more likely to return to your site and recommend you to others.
  • A competitive advantage: A site offering an optimised user experience will stand out in a sector where the competition is often very strong.

8. Taking UX into account in SEO

As mentioned above, user experience (UX) plays a major role in natural referencing. Google, in particular, attaches increasing importance to these factors, and now incorporates them into its ranking algorithms. The UX criteria taken into account include :

  • Mobile compatibility
  • Page load times
  • The use of tags (H1, H2 titles, etc.)
  • The presence of relevant internal and external links
  • And so on.

9. Tools for optimising your SXO

To help you improve the SXO of your website, several free and paid tools are available on the market:

  • Google Analytics : This tool enables you to analyse your site statistics in detail and identify potential areas for improvement.
  • Hotjar: This is a heatmap solution that shows how visitors behave on your site (clicks, mouse movements, etc.).
  • Crazy Egg : Similar to Hotjar, Crazy Egg also offers A/B tests to compare the effectiveness of different versions of the same page.
  • UserTesting : This service collects opinions and feedback from real users on the browsing experience offered by your site.

10. Monitor the development of the SXO

It is essential to monitor your site's performance in terms of SXO and to adapt your strategy regularly to meet the changing expectations of users and search engines. Don't hesitate to consult the advice, techniques and news relating to SEO and user experience on a regular basis to make sure you stay at the cutting edge of best practice and maintain your visibility on the Web.

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