Subdomain: everything you need to know and how to use it

Sub-domains are often used to organise and structure a website.

But what exactly is a subdomain, and when is it best to use it? In this article, our Web Agency and our SEO Agency help you to better understand the sub-domains and how to exploit them.


Definition of a sub-domain

sub-domain is an extension of domain name main or root domainThis allows you to create a separate web address linked to the same domain. In simple terms, a sub-domain is the part that precedes the domain name and looks like this: sub-domain.domain.tld (tld for Top Level Domain).

For example, if your website's domain name is "", you can create a sub-domain such as ""." to host a blog related to your activities or services.

Subdomain versus directory

It is important to differentiate between a sub-domain and a directory (folder) on a website. A directory is simply a section of your website whose URL includes a path after the domain name. For example: for a directory.

The main difference between the two lies in the way they are perceived by search engines such as Google. A sub-domain is considered to be a separate site from the main domain, whereas a directory is an integral part of the existing website.

When should I use a sub-domain?

There are several reasons why you might choose to use a subdomain for your website:

  1. Unlink specific content : If you have a section of your site that needs to be separated from the main content, a subdomain is the best choice. For example, a blog, a online shop or a forum can have a separate address.
  2. Organising and structuring your site: Large websites with lots of different pages and content can be easier to manage by using sub-domains. This makes it easier for visitors to navigate and improves the user experience.user experience.
  3. Optimising referencing (SEO) : Sub-domains are used to target specific key words and improve your search engine ranking. By isolating certain content, you can increase its relevance and visibility. Please note that all SEO optimisation should be carried out per sub-domain.
  4. Multilingualism : For multilingual sites, it can be useful to create a sub-domain for each language to simplify the translation management process.

Examples of current use of sub-domains

    • Blog:
    • Online shop:
    • Forum:
    • Technical documentation:
    • English version of the site:

Creating and managing a sub-domain

To create a subdomain, you will need to access the management panel of your web host or registrar (the company with which you have registered your domain name). Most registrars offer a simple interface for adding and managing subdomains.

Once the sub-domain has been created, it can be configured to point to a specific directory on your server, where the files corresponding to the content of the sub-domain will be located. You will also need to set up appropriate navigation between the main domain and the subdomains to facilitate access to the different parts of your website.

Impact of a sub-domain on search engine optimisation (SEO)

As mentioned above, sub-domains have a definite impact on the natural referencing of your site. They are considered as separate entities by the search engines, which means that each sub-domain must be optimised individually.

On the one hand, this can be beneficial, as a sub-domain that is well optimised around a specific theme can achieve a higher ranking in the search results. What's more, it makes it possible to target keywords and hearings specific.

However, this requires more work, as all the SEO best practices will have to be applied to each sub-domain rather than just to the whole site.

Don't forget that inbound links (backlinks) also have an impact on subdomain SEO. To reap the full benefits of a subdomain in terms of SEO, it is essential to put in place a strategy of netlinking adapted to each sub-domain, not just the root domain.


Subdomains are a valuable tool for organising your website and optimising its natural referencing.

Nevertheless, setting them up and managing them requires a certain amount of expertise and investment in terms of time and effort. Take the time to think carefully about your needs and objectives before taking the plunge, and call on professionals if necessary to ensure the success of your project.


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