Understanding advanced structured data tags in SEO

by our SEO Agency Optimize 360

The world of referencing is constantly evolving, and one of the current trends is the use of beacons of structured data.

These play a key role in optimising content for search engines.

In this article, we take an in-depth look at advanced structured data tags and their implications for the SEO.

Structured data tags

What is structured data markup?

Structured data markup is a technique that involves inserting additional information in the form of code. HTML in the content of a web page. This not only improves search engines' understanding of the content, but also provides users with more precise information when they consult search results.

Advanced structured data tags go even further by helping search engines to better understand specific elements of content, such as products, reviews, events or locations. This, in turn, leads to higher rankings in search results and increased visibility for websites that incorporate these tags.

The different types of structured data

There are several standards for integrating structured data into a web page. These include :

  • Microformats A very simple format based on HTML classes that can be easily integrated into the code of a page.
  • RDFa (Resource Description Framework in Attributes) a more advanced format for describing data with specific RDF attributes, which can be used with HTML, XHTML or XML.
  • JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data) a method recommended by Google for inserting structured data in the form of a JavaScript script, which is particularly well suited to dynamic websites and mobile applications.
  • Schema.org a collaborative project supported by the major search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo and Yandex), which provides a standardised mark-up schema for structured data on the Internet. This schema can be used in combination with JSON-LD, Microdata or RDFa.

Among these formats, Schema.org associated with JSON-LD is currently the most widely used standard, with almost 12 million sites according to their robots.txt file accepting this standard.

10 key points for using advanced structured data tags in SEO

1. Identify the content elements to highlight

Before adding structured data tags to your site, you need to think about what information you want to highlight that will add value for the user. For example customer reviewsFor example, you may want to check the website's website, opening times, prices or contact details.

2. Choosing the right tagging format

As mentioned above, there are several formats for integrating structured data. It is important to choose the one that best suits your website and the elements you wish to highlight.

3. Conforming to Schema.org vocabulary

When using a standard such as Schema.org, make sure you scrupulously respect its vocabulary and syntax. This will enable search engines to process the structured data you have added correctly.

4. Testing the integration of structured data

Several tools are available to check whether your structured data tags have been correctly implemented. Google, for example, offers the Search Console and its Validation tool for structured data.

5. Analyse the results and adjust accordingly

Regularly monitor your website's performance in the search results and analyse the statistics provided by tools such as Search Console. If necessary, adjust your tagging strategy to improve your site's ranking.

6. Update content regularly

Don't forget to update your structured data tags when you modify the content of your website. The information must remain consistent and up-to-date so that users can take full advantage of the benefits offered by structured data.

7. Use tags specific to social networks

Some social networks, such as Facebook or Twitter have developed their own structured data tags (Open Graph and Twitter Cards). Use them alongside Schema.org tags to optimise the sharing of your content on these platforms.

8. Managing tagging errors

Make sure you quickly correct any tagging errors that may be detected by the verification tools, as they can harm your natural referencing.

9. Don't overuse structured data tags

It is important to use tags in a reasoned and relevant way, without trying to manipulate the search engines. If you abuse them, you risk a penalty from Google and a lower ranking in the search results.

10. Keep up to date with the latest developments

The world of SEO and structured data is constantly evolving. Keep abreast of the latest trends and adjust your strategy accordingly to maintain optimal SEO.

In short, the use of advanced structured data tags offers numerous benefits for SEO and improves the visibility and understanding of your content by search engines and users.

By following these 10 key points, you will be able to effectively integrate structured data tagging into your SEO strategy.

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