Structured data tags: unlock the mysteries of SEO

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The structured data tags are based on the use of a specific set of tags and notations to optimise search engines' understanding of the content of web pages.

The main benefit is improved indexing and optimised presentation in search results.

In this article, we're going to define exactly what these famous tags are and how they can impact your business. SEO strategy.

Structured Data Tag

Understanding structured data and its role in SEO

Structured data simply refers to information organised in such a way as to facilitate its interpretation by computer systems, such as search engines.

Thanks to this structuring, it is easier for Google, Bing or even Yahoo ! understand the different elements present on a page, and highlight them in their results according to relevant criteria.

As part of the natural referencingstructured data therefore takes the form of HTMLtags, integrated directly into the source code of your pages. These tags enable search engines to better contextualise the information contained in your pages, thereby improving their ranking in search results.

How structured data tags work

To function, structured data tags are based on a notation system. There are several notation formats for structuring data:

  • Microdataa markup format created in collaboration between Google, Yahoo! and Bing. It is the most common format recommended by these search engines.
  • RDFa (Resource Description Framework in attributes)a syntax introduced by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which writes structured data directly into HTML attributes.
  • JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data)another format supported by W3C and often advocated as the successor to microdatas.

Each of these formats has its advantages and disadvantages, but all achieve the same objective: structure the information on your web pages to make it easier for search engines to process it.

The different types of structured data tags

There are a multitude of structured data tags that can be used on your website. They can be used for a variety of purposes, from simply formatting an address to displaying star ratings in search results. Here are a few examples to illustrate the variety of tags available:

  1. Organisation diagram You can use this tag to provide search engines with essential information about your company, such as its name, logo or contact details.
  2. Schema header Article to be integrated into blogtag to structure the way they will appear online. This tag is useful for optimising the search results linked to your editorial content.
  3. Comments and assessments These tags allow user reviews to be displayed directly in search results. This is an excellent way of encouraging visitors to your site. website or buy a specific product.
  4. Event Diagram a tag dedicated to events of all kinds, from concerts to conferences. Key information such as dates, venues and prices will be highlighted by search engines.

This is just an overview of the range of structured data tags available. Note that each type of tag must be used in conjunction with its own notation format (microdata, RDFa or JSON-LD).

The benefits of structured data tags for your search engine optimisation

The use of structured data tags offers a number of notable benefits:

  • Better understanding by search engines Google and others can more easily interpret the elements of your web pages thanks to these tags.
  • Optimised display in search results Structured data tags allow the appearance of rich snippetswhich are visually attractive and informative extracts of content for Internet users.
  • Improved click-through rate Thanks to rich snippets, users can get a quick overview of your site, which can help to increase the number of visitors to your site.

Why do tags have a direct impact on SEO?

The importance of structured data tags in SEO is mainly due to their role in improving the quality of the results provided by search engines. Rich snippets created using these tags attract more attention from users and are more likely to be clicked on or shared. What's more, a better presentation of your pages in the results encourages users to stay on your site for longer, which also has a positive influence on your ranking.

How do you implement structured data tags on your site?

There are several ways of integrating structured data tags into your web pages:

  1. Use Google's Markup Assistant tool, which provides step-by-step guidance for integrating these elements into your source code. Simply follow the instructions provided by the tool to ensure successful implementation.
  2. Call on a developer who has mastered the subtleties of structured data tags to support you. This solution may be costly, but it guarantees optimum results.
  3. Finally, certain content management systems (CMS) such that WordPress offer dedicated extensions to make it easier to set up structured data tags on your website. All you have to do is install them and configure them to suit your needs.

Whatever method you choose, don't forget to validate your work using the structured data test tool provided by Google. It will enable you to check that your tags are correctly interpreted and ready to optimise your search engine optimisation!

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