Understanding Social Selling: definition and approach

In a context where consumers are increasingly present on social networks, the social selling is a technique that enables companies to use these platforms to get in touch with their customers.

But what is social selling and how can you adopt it within your company?

Find out more about the definition and key steps to be taken by our Digital Agency and our Social Media Agency:

Social Selling

What is social selling?

Social selling involves using social networks with the aim of generating leadsThis technique is based on building and maintaining relationships with prospects via various platforms, such as the Internet. This technique is based on building and maintaining relationships with prospects via various platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter.

The objectives of social selling

Why adopt social selling within your company? Here are some key objectives:

  • Attracting new customers Thanks to social networks, you can reach a huge audience. audience much broader and more diverse than through traditional channels.
  • Nurturing customer relationships Social selling encourages exchange and communication between your brand and your prospects, which can boost their confidence in your products and services.
  • Build loyalty among your existing customers Social selling: a good social selling strategy will also enable you to maintain your relationship with your existing customers and ensure their loyalty over the long term.
  • Improve your reputation By regularly engaging in discussions and sharing relevant content, you will strengthen your company's image and visibility among a wide audience.

The key stages in a successful social selling approach

To create and implement an effective social selling strategy, it is essential to follow certain key steps:

1. Choosing the right social networks for your business

Not all social networks are equal when it comes to social selling. Your choice should be based on the nature of your product or service, the profile of your target customers and how they use the different platforms. For example, Instagram is better suited to visual brands, while LinkedIn is more suitable for businesses. B2B.

2. Create and optimise your professional profiles

The first step is to create professional accounts on the social networks you have chosen, if you haven't already done so. Then make sure you fill in all the information requested (description, contact details, logo, etc.) fully and correctly, and use attractive visuals that are consistent with your brand identity.

3. Develop your network of contacts

To increase the effectiveness of your approach, it is important to have a varied and qualified network of contacts.

Don't hesitate to invite your current customers, partners or prospects to join your social networks. You can also identify influencers or experts in your field that could help you promote your products and services.

4. Publish relevant and engaging content

To attract the attention of your audience, regularly publish interesting and useful content related to your business. For example, case studies, articles from blogYou'll be able to use a wide range of media, including graphics, customer testimonials and explanatory videos. Make sure you respect a editorial line adapted to the specific features of each platform.

5. Interact with your audience

Social selling is not just about distributing content, but also about start a conversation with your audience. Reply to comments and private messages, take part in discussions on professional groups, ask questions or seek the opinion of your subscribers to create a dialogue around your brand.

6. Measuring and adjusting your strategy

Finally, to know the impact of your approach and whether it is bearing fruit, you need to put in place measurement and analysis tools (KPIs) tailored to your objectives: number of leads generated, engagement rate, sales growth, etc. This data will then enable you to optimise your strategy based on the results obtained and your customers' feedback. This data will then enable you to optimise your strategy on the basis of the results obtained and feedback from your customers.

In a nutshell

Social selling is a technique that involves exploiting the potential of social networks to attract and retain customers.

To do this successfully, it is essential to choose your platforms carefully, create attractive professional profiles, develop your network of contacts, publish relevant content, engage with your audience and regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your strategy so that you can adjust it accordingly.

Paris Digital Agency Optimize 360

Our Paris Digital Agency is the first to have been created in 2012 by its founder Frédéric POULET

The team of Paris SEO experts is divided into several geographical sectors:


Lyon Digital Agency Optimize 360

Optimize 360 is also present throughout the Rhône Alpes region. With its

Digital Agency Marseille PACA Optimize 360

Headed by Franck La Pinta, Optimize 360 has branches throughout the PACA region.

Digital Agencies Switzerland Optimize 360

Headed by Jean-François Hartwig, Optimize 360 has two SEO agencies in Switzerland:

Bordeaux South Aquitaine Digital Agency Optimize 360

Optimize 360 is present in Bordeaux and throughout the southern Aquitaine region, with its

Agence Digitale Metz Nancy Grand Est Optimize 360 Grand Est

Optimize 360 is present throughout the Grand Est region of France

Our main agencies specialising in Social Networks

Social Media Agency Paris Optimize 360

Our Social Media Agency Paris was the first to be created in 2012 by its founder Frédéric POULET.

The team of Paris SEO experts is divided into several geographical sectors:


Social Media Agency Lyon Optimize 360

Optimize 360 is also present throughout the Rhône Alpes region. With its

Social Media Agency Marseille PACA Optimize 360

Headed by Franck La Pinta, Optimize 360 has branches throughout the PACA region.

Social Media Agencies Switzerland Optimize 360

Headed by Jean-François Hartwig, Optimize 360 has two SEO agencies in Switzerland:

Social Media Agencies Bordeaux Optimize 360

Optimize 360 is present in Bordeaux and throughout the southern Aquitaine region, with its

Agence Social Metz Nancy Optimize 360

Optimize 360 is present throughout the Grand Est region of France

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