Guide to Social Media Marketing: Everything you need to know about SMM

by our Social Media Agency Optimize 360


In a world where social networks have become omnipresent, the Social Media Marketing (SMM) has become increasingly important for companies and brands.

But what exactly is SMM? What are its characteristics and advantages? Dive into this article to find out all about SMM from our Social Media Agency.


Definition of Social Media Marketing

Le SMM is the acronym for Social Media Marketing. In French, it translates as social media marketing.

This encompasses all marketing techniques and strategies aimed at creating, promoting and distributing content on social platforms.

The main objective of SMM is to increase the visibility of a brand, promote products or services and attract and retain visitors and customers through the channels represented by social networks.

The main social platforms

There are several social platforms on which SMM can be developed. Some of the best known are :

  • Facebook Facebook: with almost 3 billion monthly active users, Facebook is undoubtedly the most popular social network in the world. It offers a wealth of opportunities for businesses, thanks to its advertising tools and its algorithm customisable.

  • Instagram Instagram: popular with young adults, Instagram is a platform for sharing photos and videos. With its sleek, modern design, it offers interesting opportunities for visual marketing.

  • Twitter Twitter: ideal for sharing news and interacting with users, Twitter is characterised by the use of short messages (called "tweets") and the possibility of using hashtags to reference its publications.

  • LinkedIn LinkedIn: a professional social network, LinkedIn enables companies to recruit, maintain relationships with their partners and share content relevant to their sector of activity.

  • Pinterest Pinterest: a platform for sharing images in the form of virtual boards, Pinterest is appreciated for its aesthetic and inspirational qualities. It can be useful for promoting products or services related to art, fashion, decoration, etc.

The benefits of Social Media Marketing

SMM offers a number of advantages for companies wishing to develop their online presence:

  • Increased visibility By having a presence on social networks, your brand or company will gain greater recognition and visibility among Internet users. This attracts potential new customers and improves your public image.

  • Building customer loyalty Thanks to SMM, you can create and maintain a close relationship with your customers by offering them personalised content, special offers or by responding to their questions and comments.

  • Better return on investment Social networks: compared with other forms of traditional marketing (TV, radio, press advertising, etc.), social networks are often more affordable and deliver a better return on investment thanks to the ability to target advertising campaigns very precisely.

Social Media Marketing techniques

If you want your SMM strategy to succeed, it's essential to be familiar with and master the various techniques made available by social platforms. Here are a few examples:

Choice of platforms

Before embarking on SMM, you need to determine which platforms are best suited to your sector of activity, your target audience and your objectives. There's no point in spreading yourself too thinly over all the social networks: it's better to select those that will be most effective in achieving your goals.

Producing and sharing content

Create original content adapted to each social platform: photos, videos, articles, infographics, etc. Then share this content regularly and thoughtfully, paying attention to the times of publication and the message you want to convey. Don't forget to interact with users by replying to their comments and messages.

Use of advertising tools

Social networks provide companies with powerful advertising tools that enable them to target Internet users very precisely according to criteria such as age, gender, interests or geographical location. Don't hesitate to learn more about these tools to optimise your SMM advertising campaigns.

A closer look at some Social Media Marketing success stories

Many brands and companies have taken advantage of SMM and are enjoying real success thanks to their presence on social media:

  • Nike With over 100 million followers on Instagram, Nike is one of the most followed brands in the world. By sharing inspiring photos featuring its products and ambassadors, the sports equipment manufacturer has captured the hearts of many fans around the world.

  • Netflix The video streaming giant has perfectly integrated social networks into its marketing strategy by creating dedicated accounts for each of its flagship series, engaging influencers to promote its programmes and by producing interactive stories that allow internet users to immerse themselves in the world of their favourite heroes.

  • Starbucks Starbucks: known for its drinks and pastries, Starbucks is also renowned for its commitment to the environment. On its social media accounts, the brand does not hesitate to highlight the actions it is taking to protect the planet, appealing to consumers who are concerned about their ecological impact.

Like the companies that have succeeded in breaking through thanks to SMM, don't hesitate to develop your own strategy, taking into account your objectives, your target audience and the specific features of each social platform.

Our main agencies specialising in Social Networks

Social Media Agency Paris Optimize 360

Our Social Media Agency Paris was the first to be created in 2012 by its founder Frédéric POULET.

The team of Paris SEO experts is divided into several geographical sectors:


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Optimize 360 is also present throughout the Rhône Alpes region. With its

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Headed by Franck La Pinta, Optimize 360 has branches throughout the PACA region.

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Headed by Jean-François Hartwig, Optimize 360 has two SEO agencies in Switzerland:

Social Media Agencies Bordeaux Optimize 360

Optimize 360 is present in Bordeaux and throughout the southern Aquitaine region, with its

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Optimize 360 is present throughout the Grand Est region of France

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