Understanding Siloing in SEO: definition and principles

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Le siloing in SEO is a method oforganisation and structuring of the content of a website in order to improve its natural referencing.

This practice consists of grouping the different themes of a site into distinct silos, to help search engines better understand the relevance and authority of the subjects covered.

In this article, we're going to look at the definition and benefits of siloing in SEO, as well as a few tips for implementing this strategy on your website.


Siloing in SEO: what is it?

The term "siloing" comes from the English word "siloing". silo "A tank or storage structure used to hold grain or other bulk materials.

In the context of SEO, siloing consists of store and organise site content according to specific thematic categoriesin a hierarchical fashion.

This approach creates a clear and efficient tree structure, making it easier for visitors to navigate and for search engines to index the site.

Why use siloing for SEO? The benefits for your website

Improved natural referencing

By organising your content into thematic silos, you make it easier for the indexing robots search engines, which can then better understand your site and its content. As a result, your website will gain in visibility on search engines such as Google, Bing or YahooThis generally results in an increase in organic traffic.

Promotes thematic authority

SEO siloing also makes it possible to strengthen thematic authority of a website. By structuring your content according to well-defined categories, you show search engines that you provide in-depth coverage of the subjects you cover. Your site will therefore be perceived as an expert in its field, which is very beneficial for natural referencing.

Enhanced user experience

Finally, setting up a silo structure on your site can help to improve your visitors' experience. Clear and intuitive navigation will encourage them to browse more pages and stay longer on your site, which can potentially increase your visitor rates. conversion.

How do you set up an SEO siloing strategy?

To create an effective silo architecture for your website, there are a number of steps to follow:

  1. Identify the main themes Start by determining the broad categories under which the content on your site falls. This first step will enable you to clearly define your thematic silos.

  2. Organising content group your articles, pages or products according to the categories identified above. Make sure that each element is attached to the right silo and avoid duplication.

  3. Creating a hierarchical tree structure Structure your site according to a clear hierarchical logic, with parent (or main) silos and child (or secondary) silos. Make sure that each page is linked to the other pages in its silo by consistent internal links.

  4. Optimising navigation between silos Make it easier for visitors to move between the different categories on your site by offering relevant menus, filters or contextual links.

  5. Regularly update the silo structure Over time, don't hesitate to review and adjust the organisation of your architecture as content is added, trends change or your business evolves.

A concrete example of a silo structure

Imagine a website specialising in new technologies. It could be structured according to the following thematic silos:

  • Silo 1: Smartphones
    • Model comparisons
    • Tests and reviews
    • Tutorials
  • Silo 2: Computers and tablets
    • Buying guides
    • Directions for use
    • Troubleshooting and tips
  • Silo 3: Connected objects
    • Getting to grips with IoT objects
    • Analysis and criticism

Thanks to SEO siloing, this website will be more easily understood by search engines and will enjoy greater visibility in the long term. It will also offer user experience visitors with clear, consistent navigation.

To find out more about siloing in SEO

SEO siloing is a method oforganisation and structuring of content beneficial for your website, both in terms of natural referencing and user experience.

However, it is important to note that this is not a miracle solution that will guarantee excellent results on its own: a siloed architecture must be part of an overall SEO strategy, including in particular the creation of quality content, technical optimisation and the obtaining of backlinks relevant.

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