SEO training: Discover the basics of natural referencing

Through our SEO Agency Optimize 360

What is SEO training?

Le SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a set of techniques used to optimise the visibility of a website. website on search engines, mainly Google.

In this article, we will look at the fundamentals of natural search engine optimisation and its main components.

SEO trainer

What is SEO training?

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced webmaster, these courses are designed to suit all levels of experience, giving you the skills and knowledge you need to optimise your website and position it at the top of search results:

  • The fundamental principles of SEO: how search engines work, ranking criteria, keyword analysis
  • On-page techniques: content optimisation, tagging HTMLsite structure, loading speed
  • Off-page techniques: acquisition of backlinks, netlinkingpromotion on social networks
  • The essential SEO tools: Google Search ConsoleAnalytics, keyword analysis tools
  • Trends and developments in SEO: search engine algorithms, new practices

Why take SEO training?

To make your website known, you need to optimise your presence on search engines. The more your site is visible in the search results, the more likely it is to be visited.. But appearing on the first page of Google doesn't just happen - quite the opposite!

SEO training will give you the skills and tools you need to improve your site's ranking in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). It will also enable you to refine your digital communication strategy by analysing the data provided by search engines, and generate more qualified traffic to your site.

The main points of an SEO training course

Search engine optimisation is divided into several categories, each with its own specific features and techniques. Here are the three main pillars that you will learn about during an SEO training course.

1. Technical aspects

One of the key points of good SEO is to ensure that your site is easily crawled and indexed by search engines. This involves mastering a number of technical elements:

    • Site architecture A clear, logical and well-organised structure makes it easier for visitors and users to navigate. indexing robots.
    • HTML markup Using appropriate tags (H1, H2, strong, etc.) to highlight content that is important for search engines.
    • Page load speed A fast site will be better referenced. It is therefore crucial to optimise the weight of images, code and server requests.
    • Mobile-friendliness Today, almost half of all searches are carried out on mobile phones. A responsive design adapted to small screens plays a major role in your ranking.
    • Metadata They provide search engines with information about the content of each web page (title, description, keywords, etc.).
    • Optimised URLs...

2. Editorial content

The second pillar of natural referencing concerns the content of your website. To attract and hold the attention of Internet users, it must be high-quality, unique and relevant. Here are a few criteria to bear in mind:

    • Keywords Keywords: they must be chosen carefully, based on their relevance to your sector of activity. It is advisable to use tools such as Google's keyword generator to identify them.
    • Web copywriting Write captivating and informative content for your target audience, while respecting certain SEO constraints (text size, keyword density, structure, etc.).
    • Freshness A site that is regularly updated with new articles will be better referenced by search engines.
    • Duplicating content...

3. Popularity or netlinking

The last pillar concerns the reputation of your site in the digital ecosystem. Backlinks are one of the main criteria taken into account by search engine algorithms to assess the quality and relevance of a website. There are several steps you can take to obtain backlinks:

    • Linkbaiting This technique involves creating viral content to encourage people to share your articles on their websites or social networks.
    • Partnerships and collaborations Partnering with other players in your market can help you exchange links and gain credibility with your audience.
    • Press relations Getting mentions in the media or on influential blogs in your sector can boost your search engine optimisation and brand awareness.
    • Social networks...

How do you choose your SEO training course?

To select the SEO training course best suited to your needs, there are a number of criteria to consider:

  1. Objectives Clearly define your expectations and the skills you want to acquire, so that you can choose between technical, content or netlinking training (or a combination of the three).
  2. The level Some courses are aimed at beginners, while others focus more on the more advanced aspects of natural search engine optimisation. Make sure that the training programme matches your current skill level.
  3. Framing Choose a training course with an experienced, educational trainer who can provide practical answers to your questions and problems.
  4. The duration...

There are a multitude of SEO training courses available today, whether classroom-based, e-learning or blended learning.

Don't hesitate to compare several offers and to consult the opinions of students who have taken these courses so that you can make an informed choice and put all the chances on your side to succeed in your SEO apprenticeship.



Books and blogs:

SEO Optimize 360 training

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blank Digital Performance Accelerator for SMEs
