SEO traffic monitoring: everything you need to know about this KPI

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Le SEO traffic monitoring is an essential method for understanding and analysing the performance of a website.

It consists of monitoring and measuring the traffic generated by search engines in real time through natural referencing.

But what exactly is the definition of this practice? And what are the most popular tools for monitoring it? This article provides some answers.

SEO traffic monitoring

What is SEO traffic monitoring?

Le SEO traffic monitoringSearch Engine Optimisation (SEO) refers to all the actions taken to analyse and monitor changes in traffic from search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yahoo ! etc., on a website.

The aim of this technique is to study and understand user behaviour in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your website and thus improve its positioning in organic (non-paid) search results.

Key indicators to monitor

To monitor SEO traffic effectively, here is a list of the main key indicators to analyse:

  • Visits and unique visitors : The total number of visits and unique visitors during a given period.
  • Bounce rate : The percentage of visitors who leave your site quickly after viewing a single page.
  • Pages viewed per visit : The average number of pages consulted by each visitor.
  • Average length of visit : The average time spent by a user during a visit.
  • Percentage of organic traffic (SEO) : The proportion of traffic coming from search engines compared with other sources of traffic.
  • Key words and phrases : The terms used by Internet users to find your site in search engines.
  • Traffic sources : The different sources of traffic to your site (search engines, incoming links, social networks, etc.).

All these indicators provide a precise picture of your website's performance in terms of natural referencing. It is therefore essential to monitor them regularly so that you can take the right decisions to improve your site's performance.user experience and increase its visibility in organic search results.

Popular SEO Traffic Tracking Tools

There are a number of free and paid tools available on the market for this purpose. Here is a selection of the most popular solutions:

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is without doubt the most popular and widely used tool for tracking SEO traffic. Free to use, it offers a host of key indicators for measuring and analysing website traffic. In particular, you can find out about traffic sources, the keywords used by visitors to find your site, the bounce rate and the number of pages viewed according to the different traffic sources.

2. Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools)

Search Console is a free tool offered by Google that provides detailed information about your website's performance in the search engine's organic search results. Using this tool, you can access data relating to impressions, clicks, average positioning and click-through rate (CTR) for the different keywords generating traffic to your site.

3. SEMrush

SEMrush is a suite of paying tools (with the option of a free 30-day trial) providing access to a number of key indicators for monitoring and analysing your website's SEO traffic. Its flagship features include competitor analysis, tracking of positions in the SERP (search engine results), site audits and the Keyword Magic Tool to identify the best keywords to work on.

Why monitor your website's SEO traffic?

SEO traffic monitoring offers a number of essential advantages for optimising the visibility of your website:

  • Making informed decisions: By having a precise view of the evolution of SEO traffic, you can identify your site's opportunities and weaknesses, and take the right decisions to improve its performance.
  • Measuring the impact of SEO actions : By tracking the key indicators, you can measure the impact of the SEO actions taken on your site (URL rewriting, optimising meta tags-description, adding internal links, etc.) and adjust these actions if necessary.
  • Assessing the quality of content : By analysing the traffic data on your pages (bounce rate, average length of visit, etc.), you can measure the interest shown by visitors in your content and adapt it accordingly.
  • Analysing the competition : Thanks to certain tools such as SEMrush, you can monitor your competitors' SEO traffic to adjust your own strategy and stand out in the organic search results.

SEO traffic monitoring is therefore essential for anyone who wants to increase their visibility on search engines and attract more visitors to their website.

Investing time and resources in this method will enable you to better understand user behaviour, continually improve the experience offered on your website and, ultimately, increase your presence in organic search results.

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