SEO specifications: definition and key elements to include

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Le SEO specifications is an essential document for any company wishing to implement an effective natural referencing strategy for its website.

In this article, we take a look at the definition of SEO specifications, and the key elements you need to integrate to create a perfectly optimised site.


seo specifications

What are SEO specifications?

SEO specificationsor Search Engine Optimizationis a written document that lists all the specifications, technical and functional constraints necessary for the creation of a website optimised for search engines. It is a guide for the company and theweb design agency to ensure good online visibility right from the design stage.

Why produce SEO specifications?

Drawing up an SEO specification offers a number of advantages for the company and its partners:

  • Clarifying objectives The document allows you to precisely define your SEO objectives, performance indicators and expected results.
  • Facilitating collaboration between the in-house team and the web agency The technical specifications provided in the specification help the developers to understand the company's SEO needs and to work in the same direction.
  • Optimising costs Integrating good SEO practices into the design of the site from the outset helps to avoid costly modifications later on, which can occur if the site is not designed with SEO in mind.

Key elements to include in an SEO specification

To draw up an effective SEO specification, a number of factors need to be taken into account:

1. Keyword analysis

Keyword analysis is the basis of any natural referencing strategy. The specifications must therefore define the different methods for identifying keywords relevant to the company's activity and specify them by category (generic, specific, local, etc.). It is also essential to take into account the search intentions behind each keyword. keyword.

2. Site structure

The document must detail the structure of the site, including the main sections, sub-sections and pages. This makes it easier to navigate, improves the user experience and makes the site more user-friendly.user experience and to support thematic relevance for search engines.

3. Technical aspects

The SEO specifications must include technical recommendations for optimising the site in the following areas:

  1. Page load times: optimal page load times improve the user experience and are an important factor in search rankings.
  2. Design responsiveness and adaptability (responsive design) : The site must be adapted to all types of device (computer, tablet, mobile) in terms of display and navigation.
  3. Tags HTML optimised : HTML tags, such as title tags, meta descriptionH1, H2, etc., must be detailed, linked to the identified keywords and comply with search engine recommendations on length and content.
  4. Optimising internal networking and external links: The document must specify the internal and external linking strategy to be adopted in order to boost the site's profile with search engines.

4. The content

Content is an essential element in a successful SEO strategy. The SEO specifications should describe the best practices to be followed when writing content, such as :

  • Write unique, relevant, high-quality texts.
  • Integrate identified keywords naturally and without over-optimisation.
  • Pay attention to the legibility and organisation of texts, in particular by using the appropriate HTML tags (titles, lists, paragraphs, etc.).

5. Monitoring and continuous improvement

Finally, a well-written SEO specification must include the implementation of monitoring and analysis tools, such as Google Analytics and Search Consoleas well as defining key indicators to assess the website's performance over time.

This monitoring will enable us to adjust the strategy if necessary and continually optimise the site's natural referencing.

In short, the SEO specification is an essential tool for guiding the creation of a website optimised for search engines and ensure online visibility.

It forms the basis for collaboration between the company's in-house team and theweb design agencyThis means you can incorporate good SEO practices from the outset and maximise your return on investment.

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