Understanding SEO Scoring: A 10-point guide

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What is SEO Scoring? 

In the world of digital marketing, search engine optimisation (SEO) is essential to ensure the visibility of your website.

SEO scoring is a tool used by professionals to evaluate and improve the performance of a website in search results, such as Google.

In this article, we take a look at the 10 key points that determine SEO scoring.

SEO Scoring

1. Keywords and their relevance

The choice of keywords is one of the fundamentals of search engine optimisation. They enable search engines to understand the content on your pages and display them correctly in the results. So it's vital to choose keywords that are relevant and appropriate to your field of activity to optimise your SEO score as much as possible.

a. The long tail

Keywords can be made up of a single term or several. To be more specific and attract qualified traffic, it is advisable to use "long tail" expressions rather than short, generic terms.

2. Technical optimisation of the site

For better SEO performance, your website must be technically flawless. This includes loading speeda intuitive navigationa coherent internal link structure, and mobile compatibility.

a. The importance of loading speed

Search engines penalise sites that are too slow, because they offer a poor user experience. user experience. It is therefore important to optimise the speed of your pages to improve your SEO score and boost your ranking in the search results.

3. Quality content

Le editorial content of your site plays a vital role in its ranking by search engines. It must be rich, unique, structured with HTML and contain relevant keywords.

a. Title and meta description tags

Title and meta description tags are essential for good SEO: they help search engines understand the main subject of your pages and help determine their relevance.

4. Presence on social networks

Today, the social networks also contribute to referencing. They are a way of creating external links to your site, but also a major source of traffic. An active presence on social networks can therefore have a direct or indirect influence on your SEO score.

5. Quality backlinks

An incoming link (or backlink) is an external link pointing to your website. It is preferable to obtain backlinks from authority sites backlinks, as they will be seen as recommendations by the search engines. The more quality backlinks you get, the better your SEO score will be.

a. The importance of avoiding "bad" backlinks

On the other hand, links from low-quality or spam sites can harm your SEO and be penalised by the search engines.

6. Internal networking

Le internal networking consists of creating links between the different pages of your website. This makes navigation easier for the user and enables search engines to index your pages more easily. Good internal linking is therefore essential for improving your SEO score.

7. Ergonomics and user experience

Sites offering a good user experience generally rank higher in search results. It is therefore important to work on theergonomicsYou can also optimise your site's SEO score by looking at its design, the readability of its text and how easy it is to navigate.

8. User signals

The user signals encompass a variety of factors such as bounce rateThis data is taken into account by search engines to assess the relevance of your site and influence your SEO score. This data is taken into account by search engines to assess the relevance of your site and influence your SEO score.

9. Compliance with good SEO practice

Finally, to optimise your SEO scoring as much as possible, it is essential to follow the recommendations of the search engines and avoid the " black hat "You can't afford to lose out in the long term.

10. Analysis and monitoring

Search engine optimisation is not an exact science, so it is important to regularly measure performance of your site and refine your actions according to the results obtained to continue improving your SEO score.

In short, SEO scoring enables you to assess a site's performance in the search results and identify areas for improvement to maximise its visibility on the web. The key elements discussed above are essential for obtaining an optimum SEO score and ensuring the success of your website.

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