Understanding the job of SEO project manager

SEO project manager: Who is he? What is their role? 

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Le SEO project manager is a key player in a company's digital strategy. His role is to coordinate and implement actions aimed at improving a company's natural referencing. website or brand on search engines. In this article, we will explore the different facets of this profession, its responsibilities and its importance for a company.

SEO Project Manager

The role of the SEO project manager

A SEO project manager must first of all have solid technical and analytical expertise in how search engines work. This means mastering various aspects, such as content optimisation, internal and external links, site structure, search engine optimisation, and so on. meta tagsetc. Secondly, they must be able to plan, execute and monitor various SEO campaigns to achieve the objectives set by the company.

Establishing a referencing strategy

To improve the ranking of a website or brand, the SEO project manager will need to establish a well-defined strategy. This includes

    • Identifying relevant keywords and integrating them into the site content;
    • Creating and distributing quality content that meets the expectations of users and the requirements of search engines;
    • Setting up a site architecture optimised for crawlers and SEO;
    • Developing partnerships and obtaining external links quality (backlinks), boosting awareness of the site.

Monitoring and analysing SEO performance

Once the SEO strategy is in place, the SEO project manager must regularly monitor the results obtained. To do this, it uses various performance measurement and analysis tools, such as Google AnalyticsGoogle Search Console or solutions specialising in monitoring search engine positioning. Depending on the data collected, it may be necessary to adjust the strategy in order to further improve the site's performance.

The qualities needed to be a good SEO project manager

Being a SEO project manager effective requires a number of skills and personal qualities:

  • An analytical mind This professional must be able to analyse the data collected, identify weak points and areas for improvement in the SEO strategy;
  • Organisational skills Project coordination involves managing several tasks simultaneously and meeting sometimes very tight deadlines;
  • Good communication They need to communicate regularly with other internal and external stakeholders, such as web developers, content writers and marketing managers;
  • Constant monitoring As search engine algorithms are constantly evolving, you need to keep up to date with best practice to maintain optimum positioning on your target keywords.

The key stages in the work of an SEO project manager

As part of its remit, the SEO project manager is required to work on several key stages:

  1. The initial SEO audit: this first phase enables us to take stock of the site's current SEO, identify its strengths and weaknesses and define a tailor-made action plan;
  2. Implementing the strategy: this includes creating or optimising content, restructuring the site, increasing the number of partnerships to obtain quality backlinks, etc. ;
  3. Monitoring and reporting: once the actions have been implemented, it is essential to measure their impact and analyse the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) in order to assess the success of the strategy and make any necessary adjustments.

Working with other web professionals

SEO project manager cannot work alone and in isolation. Their role involves working closely with other marketing and web professionals. They need to be able to build bridges between their expertise in natural referencing, the skills of web developers to optimise the site technically, those of content writers to create relevant and interesting articles, and the know-how of community managers to promote the site on social networks.

Career path for an SEO project manager

There are several routes to this profession:

  • A training A university degree in IT, marketing or communications, supplemented by a specialisation in search engine optimisation;
  • A curriculum focused on webmarketing and the e-commerce at a business or engineering school;
  • Certifications obtained from recognised training organisations, such as Google or MOZ.

In short, the SEO project manager plays an essential role in a company's digital strategy. Their expertise in natural referencing and their ability to work in collaboration with other web professionals are major assets in improving a site's visibility and increasing its organic traffic.

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