The SEO project manager: an expert at the service of your online visibility

SEO Project Manager: Who is he? What is their role?

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Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) has become an essential part of the web world.

To help companies position themselves on search engines and thus increase their audience, there is a dedicated profession: the SEO project manager. Find out more about the definition and tasks of this search engine optimisation expert.

SEO Project Manager

What is an SEO project manager?

SEO project manager is a professional whose main mission is to improve the visibility of a website on search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo. They need to master the various technical, editorial and marketing aspects of natural referencing in order to optimise a site's online presence. Their main objective is to increase traffic by improving the indexing of pages and the positioning of the site on strategic keywords.

Skills required to become an SEO consultant

To carry out their tasks successfully, SEO project managers need a number of key skills:

  • Needs analysis : Each website has its own specific characteristics, requiring tailored SEO solutions. The project manager must therefore be able to quickly assess the challenges and objectives of a web project.
  • Technical expertise : natural referencing is based on various technical aspects linked to the way search engines work and to the page codes HTML. The SEO project manager must therefore be at ease with web programming languages, SEO analysis tools and the latest development innovations.
  • Copywriting and content optimisation : content is king in terms of natural referencing. The SEO consultant needs to know how to produce quality content to attract and retain Internet users, while complying with the criteria laid down by the search engines.
  • Competitive intelligence and market : The world of the web is constantly evolving, and it is essential for the SEO project manager to keep abreast of trends and the best practices laid down by the search engines. They also need to know what the competition is doing so that they can propose innovative and effective strategies.

The tasks of the SEO project manager

The role of the SEO project manager is to implement various actions to improve the visibility of a website on search engines, particularly Google, which accounts for over 90% of searches in France. Here is an overview of the main tasks that can be entrusted to an SEO consultant:

Analysis of the current situation

To get off to a good start, the SEO consultant needs to carry out a full audit of the website in question to identify its strengths and weaknesses in terms of natural referencing. This involves analysing keywords, meta tags, site structure, existing content and internal and external links. This stage then enables us to define an action plan to optimise the site.

Definition of a referencing strategy

Depending on the objectives set and the results of the audit, the SEO consultant must put in place an effective strategy to improve the site's positioning on search engines. This includes :

    1. Determine the keywords to target according to their relevance, their search volume and the competition already present on these queries.
    2. Optimise the site's structure to make it easier to index pages and move between them (internal networking).
    3. Produce or rework the content of the pages to ensure that it is of high quality, relevant and in line with the targeted keywords.
    4. Set up actions to obtain backlinks (links from other sites) and thus increase the popularity of the site in the eyes of the search engines.

This strategy needs to be updated regularly to meet the expectations of web users and adapt to changes in the ranking criteria imposed by search engines.

Monitoring and analysing results

The SEO project manager must also keep a close eye on the performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of his strategy and adjust his actions accordingly.

It uses analysis tools such as Google Analytics or Search Console to assess traffic, the bounce ratethe average length of visits and the number of conversions generated by natural referencing. This analysis enables us to suggest ways of improving and constantly optimising the online presence of the website concerned.

Outlook for the future of the SEO project manager profession

The job of SEO consultant is constantly evolving, with the emergence of new techniques and frequent changes to the ranking criteria imposed by search engines.

As a result, these professionals have to keep up to date with the latest trends and technologies in the sector to maintain their skills and expertise. There are several possible career paths: SEO project managernatural referencing consultant, expert in inbound marketingetc.

In conclusion SEO project manager is a key player in the success of a website.

With excellent technical, editorial and marketing skills, they improve the visibility of pages on search engines and help to increase traffic. There are many prospects for career development, and the profession offers exciting opportunities for web professionals wishing to specialise in natural search engine optimisation.

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