Definition of an SEO positioning audit

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The world of SEO is constantly evolving, and to remain competitive on the market, it's essential to adapt your strategy.

This is why the creation of a audit of SEO positioning is crucial.

In this article, we'll explain what an SEO positioning audit is, its benefits and how to implement it for your website. website.


SEO positioning audit

Why carry out an SEO positioning audit?

An SEO positioning audit enables you to evaluate your website in terms of search engine visibility and detect any problems that could have a negative impact on your ranking.

It also provides a better understanding of the strategies employed by your competitors to achieve better search engine positioning.

Finally, the audit enables us to identify opportunities for improvement in order to develop a more effective SEO strategy.

The key stages of an SEO positioning audit

An SEO positioning audit carried out by a SEO Agency is generally broken down into several phases:

  1. Technical analysis : It covers all the technical elements that can have an impact on your site's SEO (loading time, indexing, architecture, etc.).
  2. Competitive analysis : This phase consists of evaluating your competitors' performance in terms of search engine rankings, and identifying best practice so that you can draw inspiration from it.
  3. Content analysis : It focuses on the quality of your content, its relevance, originality and optimisation with appropriate keywords.
  4. Analysis of backlinks : This crucial stage involves assessing the profile of inbound links and their potential impact on your SEO.

Technical analysis

Technical analysis is a crucial stage in the SEO positioning audit. It aims to identify any technical problems that may be holding back your website's performance in the search engines. Here are some key elements to examine:

    • Loading time : A loading time that is too long can discourage visitors and have a negative impact on your conversion rate. conversion. Several free online tools can be used to assess this criterion.
    • Indexation : Check that all the pages on your site are correctly indexed by the search engines.
    • Meta tags : Make sure that every page on your site has a well-optimised title tag and meta-description tag.
    • Architecture : Well-organised pages and fluid navigation will make it easier for search engines to crawl your site.

Competitive analysis

To develop an effective SEO strategy, it's important to look at what your competitors are doing. Here are a few points to bear in mind:

    • Key words : Identify the keywords for which your competitors are well positioned and assess their relevance to your business.
    • Content strategies : Analyse the quality, diversity and frequency of publication of the content offered by your competitors.
    • Incoming links : Study the inbound link profile of your competitors and try to understand how they obtained these backlinks.

Content analysis

The SEO positioning audit also includes an examination of the content of your website. The aim is to assess its relevance, originality and ability to meet the expectations of web users. This analysis is based on several aspects:

    • Diversity of content : Articles de blogvideos, podcasts, infographics, etc., vary the formats to interest a greater number of visitors.
    • Key words : Carefully choose the keywords you want to rank for, based on their search volume and their relevance to your business.
    • Optimised texts : Implementing an effective semantic strategy and optimising your texts will improve your search engine positioning.
    • Quality of writing : Well-written, well-structured content that is free of spelling mistakes and pleasant to read is essential to capture the attention of your visitors.

Analysis of backlinks

Backlinks play an important role in search engine optimisation. They are seen as a sign of trust by the search engines and have a significant impact on how your site is ranked. Here's what you need to consider at this stage:

    • Number of incoming links : The more backlinks you have, the better. However, their quality must also be taken into account.
    • Backlink profile : Do they come from authoritative websites? Are they related in theme to your site?
    • Diversity of sources : Search engines appreciate it when links come from different domains and different geographical locations.
    • Anchor links : Text anchors should be varied and contain keywords that are relevant to your business.

In short, achieving a SEO positioning audit is an essential exercise for understanding your website's strengths and weaknesses in terms of natural referencing, and establishing an effective strategy for improving your search engine positioning.

By carefully analysing all the technical aspects, competition, content and backlinks, you can optimise your SEO approach and increase the visibility and performance of your site.

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