Understanding position monitoring and SEO positioning in 10 points

Through our SEO Agency Optimize 360 on the theme SEO tracking and ROI

What is position monitoring and SEO positioning

Le position tracking and the SEO positioning are terms often heard in the field of digital marketing. They play a crucial role in the success of a website by helping to improve its visibility on search engines such as Google.

In this article, we'll break these concepts down into 10 key points to help you understand their importance.

SEO Position Tracking

What is position monitoring in SEO?

Make the SEO position monitoringis to regularly analyse the ranking of a web page or website in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) for a set of specific keywords. This analysis makes it possible to assess the impact of the various SEO techniques used on a site and to identify areas for improvement.

Objectives of position monitoring in SEO

    • Evaluating the effectiveness of natural referencing actions: Position tracking enables you to measure whether the efforts and expenditure devoted to SEO are bearing fruit.
    • Identify opportunities: SEO position tracking tools provide an overview of the keywords you should be targeting more, those with the greatest potential in terms of traffic and sales. conversion.
    • Monitor your competitors: Comparing your positioning with that of your competitors allows you to identify the best areas for improvement to outperform the competition.
    • Adapting your SEO strategy: Monitoring and analysing fluctuations in SERP positioning helps you to adjust your natural referencing actions, according to the needs identified by the analyses carried out on a regular basis.

1. The basics of natural referencing

Le natural search engine optimisation (SEO)Search Engine Optimization (SEO) covers all the techniques used to improve a website's ranking and visibility in the organic results of search engines. The aim is to increase your online presence, attract targeted, qualified traffic and thus maximise your return on investment. conversions and sales.

2. The concept of position monitoring

Position monitoring involves measure and analyse regularly monitor changes in the ranking of a website's pages in search results, for various keywords relevant to its activity. This makes it possible to assess performance in terms of referencing and to refine the actions to be taken to optimise positioning.

3. Why track positions?

Position tracking has several advantages:

  • Identifying opportunities By identifying the keywords on which the site is well positioned, it is possible to exploit these niches to improve visibility and traffic.
  • Detecting problems A decline in positions may indicate technical or content problems, a change in the search engine algorithm, a penalty, or increased competition.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of SEO actions Tracking the evolution of rankings allows you to measure the impact of optimisations carried out and adjust your efforts if necessary.
  • Prioritising efforts By identifying the best-performing pages and keywords and those that require more work, we can better allocate the resources available.

4. SEO positioning

SEO positioning refers to the place occupied by a site in the results search engines for specific terms. The higher the ranking, i.e. the closer to the top, the greater the chances of being consulted by Internet users. Good positioning therefore contributes directly to increasing online traffic and awareness.

5. Criteria influencing positioning

Many factors have an impact on the positioning of a website:

  • Relevance The correspondence between the content of the site and user requests.
  • The authority : the quality and quantity of incoming links to the site, reflecting its online reputation.
  • L'user experience (UX) A site that offers fluid, fast and pleasant navigation will tend to be ranked higher.
  • Technical optimisation clean code and a coherent architecture that is adapted to mobile devices are assets for search engines.
  • Compliance with best practice Following the recommendations of search engines such as Google helps to ensure optimum positioning.

6. Position monitoring tools

There are several tools available for tracking the positions of a website:

  • Google Search Console This free tool provided by Google offers detailed data on a site's performance in the search engine, including its average ranking on various queries.
  • Specialised tools There are a number of free and paid tools, such as SEMrush, Ahrefs or SerpWatch, which offer advanced positioning tracking and SEO analysis functions.

7. The difference between global and local positioning tracking

Le global positioning follow-up consists of measuring the performance of a website in search results without taking into account the geographical location of queries. On the other hand local positioning monitoring takes into account the specific region or town where the searches are carried out, and is particularly useful for companies with a local activity.

8. Frequently encountered problems

Certain difficulties can arise when monitoring positions:

  • La de-indexing Some pages may no longer appear in search engine results if they are voluntarily or involuntarily de-indexed.
  • Fluctuations Positions: it is normal for positions to fluctuate slightly over time, but a significant change may be indicative of a problem or an opportunity.
  • Crawl errors Some positioning tracking tools have problems collecting data, for example if they are blocked by the site's robots.txt file or by security rules.

9. Best practice for optimising position monitoring

To improve the quality of position monitoring and obtain relevant results:

  • Select keywords carefully The key is to track terms that are directly related to the site's activity and that offer the potential for qualified traffic.
  • Setting up alerts to be quickly informed of major changes in positions and to be able to react effectively if necessary.
  • Analyse data regularly A periodic study of changes in rankings enables us to identify trends and guide our SEO strategy accordingly.

10. The evolution of position tracking with artificial intelligence

With the development of artificial intelligence (IA), SEO positioning monitoring tools are benefiting from ever more advanced functionalities, making it possible, for example, to predict future trends or to personalise recommendations according to sector of activity. As a result, digital marketing professionals can refine their strategies and achieve better results by adapting their actions to the constant evolution of search engines and user behaviour.

Guides and articles :

Positioning follow-up tools :

blank Digital Performance Accelerator for SMEs
