Key performance criteria for optimising your SEO

SEO Performance Criteria

Through our SEO Agency Optimize 360 on the theme SEO tracking and ROI

In a constantly evolving digital world, it's essential to constantly improve your online presence.

One of the most effective ways of achieving this is through SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

In order to measure and optimise your SEO actions, a number of performance criteria can be analysed. In this article, we take a look at these key indicators to help you better understand their impact on the success of your marketing strategy.

SEO performance criteria

Organic traffic: the number one indicator of SEO performance

The main objective of a natural referencing campaign is to increase your visibility on search engines, organic traffic is a key indicator. This is the number of visitors who arrive on your site via a natural search in Google, Bing or any other search engine.

To analyse the evolution of your organic traffic, you should use a tool such as Google Analytics.

This will enable us not only to quantify the number of visitors from natural searches, but also to identify the best-performing pages and those that need to be optimised.

Visibility share: your brand's reach in search results

Visibility share measures the presence of your website in search engine results. The higher this share, the more frequently and prominently your site appears on search engines such as GoogleA good visibility score is synonymous with better exposure to Internet userswhich increases the likelihood of them clicking through to your site.

Several factors can influence the share of visibility, such as :

  • Positioning in search results
  • The relevance of the keywords chosen to the target audience
  • The quality of the content on the site

Bounce rate: an indicator of the quality of the user experience

Le bounce rate refers to the percentage of visitors who leave your site quickly after viewing a single page. A high bounce rate can indicate a number of problems:

  • Unsuitable or uninteresting content for web users
  • Poor browsing quality (loading time, ergonomics, etc.)
  • Unfulfilled expectations (broken promises, unavailable services, etc.)

And so, a low bounce rate means that users are very interested in your offer and confirms the relevance of your keyword strategy. To reduce this rate, it is advisable to work on improving theuser experience and produce quality content that meets your audience's expectations. audience.

Average session length per page: measuring user engagement and navigation

The average session time per page is an indicator that provides an estimate of the time spent by Internet users on each page consulted. If it is too low, this could mean :

  • Content that is unattractive or difficult to understand
  • Technical problems hindering browsing (loading time, responsive design, etc.)
  • Insufficient or poorly positioned calls for action

By increasing the average session lengthThis will increase the likelihood that your visitors will engage with your content, share your pages or carry out specific actions on your site (purchase, request a quote, register...).

How can we improve the average session time per page?

To encourage user engagement and increase the average session time per page, here are a few tips:

    1. Making content more interesting and relevant
    2. Optimise readability (typographyspaces, titles...)
    3. Facilitate navigation between the different sections of your site
    4. Adapting the design of your site to different media (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.)
    5. Putting in place effective calls to action

Volume of pages visited: an indication of the richness of your site

The volume of pages visited provides information about the total number of pages viewed by your users over a given period. This indicator reflects the richness, diversity and attractiveness of your content.

To increase this volume of pages, it is essential to offer regular, relevant and varied content. You should also make sure that your site is well organised, with clear menus and internal links that make it easy to navigate between the different pages.

Tips for boosting the number of pages visited

Here are a few tips to encourage users to visit more pages:

    1. Suggest additional articles related to the subject in question
    2. Use an automated suggestion system at the bottom of the page
    3. Insert call-to-actions inviting visitors to other sections of the site
    4. Highlight popular or recent content

In short, monitoring and analysing these performance criteria will enable you not only to measure the effectiveness of your current SEO strategy, but also to adjust your actions in order to maximise their impact on the visibility of your site and the satisfaction of your visitors.

Put the user at the centre of your approach and constantly explore new avenues of optimisation to see your SEO take off!

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