Optimise your natural referencing on WordPress: the key steps

SEO on WordPress

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an essential strategy for improving the visibility of your website. website and attract more traffic.

By optimising your site on WordPressYou can strengthen its online presence and take full advantage of the benefits offered by this platform.

In this article, we'll explain how to successfully optimise your SEO on WordPress by following a few simple steps.

SEO on WordPress

1. Choose a theme suited to SEO

The choice of WordPress theme plays a crucial role in optimising your SEO. Some themes are more SEO-friendly than others, thanks to their specific structure and code. It is therefore advisable to select a theme that is compatible with SEO best practice and meets performance and speed standards.

Why choose an SEO-optimised theme?

  • Simplicity : a minimalist, uncluttered theme speeds up page load times and makes it easier for search engines to index your content.
  • Behaviour: Adaptive themes are better adapted to different screen sizes and offer a more flexible user experience quality, which is taken into account by Google for page classification.
  • Compatibility : a theme that is compatible with the main SEO plugins, allowing you to enrich your pages and articles with metastructured dataan essential element for referencing.

Don't hesitate to consult user reviews and ratings to choose a theme that suits your project, and make sure it is regularly updated by its creator to guarantee its longevity.

2. Organise your content using categories and tags

To ensure that your site is properly organised and clearly indexed by search engines, it is important to organise your articlesby arranging them in categories and adding relevant tags. Categories are used to classify your articles according to their main subject, while tags are used to refine this classification by specifying certain aspects or concepts covered in the articles.

Best practices for managing your categories and tags on WordPress :

  • Create distinct categories that cover all the subjects covered on your site.
  • Add relevant tags and avoid using too many of them: favour quality over quantity. Also remember to vary the key expressions so that you don't always use the same terms.
  • In the permalink settings, configure them so that your categories and tags are incorporated into the URL of your articles. This makes it easier for search engines to understand your pages.

3. Look after your internal links and optimise them for SEO

The internal links are hyperlinks that point to other pages or articles on your site. They form an essential link for good navigation and also help search engines to better understand the structure of your site, as well as identifying the most relevant content.

How can you use internal links to improve your SEO?

  • Add contextual links: include links to your other articles using relevant and complementary key phrases within your content.
  • Don't forget the text anchors: avoid using generic terms such as "click here" and prefer descriptive text to maximise the impact of your links on referencing.
  • Audit your internal links regularly to check that they are still functional and up to date.

4. Ensure the quality of the content you publish

Content is kingNowhere is this truer than in SEO. Original, relevant, in-depth content has every chance of appealing to search engines and Internet users alike. So it's better to take the time to write quality articles than to publish them regularly but without much added value.

Best practices for SEO-optimised content :

  • Vary the formats: offer long, detailed articles, but also shorter, more concise content. Don't neglect visual (images, videos) and interactive (infographics) support either.
  • Update your old articles: if some information is out of date or needs to be added, don't hesitate to come back to your old texts to enrich and update them.
  • Create a internal networking strong by linking your content to other relevant articles published on other sites, if possible mentioning authoritative sources in your field.

Now that you have all these tips in mind, all you have to do is optimise your WordPress site and boost its natural referencing! Don't forget that improving SEO is an ongoing process that requires regular attention and updates to guarantee your long-term success.

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