Improve your online visibility with SEO on Wix

SEO on Wix

Through our SEO Agency 

You have created a website attractive and modern with the Wix platform, but you're noticing that organic traffic remains low?

Would you like to boost your online visibility and attract more visitors interested in your products or services?

The solution lies in search engine optimisation (SEO). In this article, we'll explain how to improve the natural referencing of your Wix site by following a few simple steps.

SEO on Wix

Understanding the basics of SEO

Before looking at the concrete steps you need to take to improve the SEO of your Wix site, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of the basics of SEO. SEO is not rocket science and is based on a few general practices:

  • Quality content : Regularly publish original, relevant and well-written articles that are of real interest to your readers.
  • Site structure : Organise your pages in a logical way, with URL easy to understand and compatible with the title tags entered.
  • Key words : Use keywords that are relevant to your business and place them judiciously in all the elements that make up your content, from titles to meta-descriptions and the anchor texts of internal links.
  • User experience : Make sure that your site is fast, accessible and pleasant to navigate for your visitors. User satisfaction is crucial to your SEO success.

Optimising SEO on Wix: step by step

To help you improve the SEO of your Wix site, here are a few practical tips and some of the features offered by the platform:

1. Use the Wix SEO Wizard

Wix offers a tool called "Wix SEO Wiz" which allows you to quickly assess the level of optimisation of your website and gives specific recommendations for improving your ranking in search results. All you have to do is follow the suggested steps to optimise every aspect of your site.

2. Optimise the title and meta-description tags on your pages

Each page of your site must have a title tag unique and descriptive. This tag should contain between 55 and 60 characters and include keywords relevant to your business - always in moderation. To change the title of your pages on Wix, go to the Wix editor, select the page concerned and click on "manage pages". From there, you can enter a new title tag.

Similarly, it is essential to create catchy meta-descriptions for each of your pages, again incorporating your keywords in a natural way. Meta-descriptions can also be added from the Wix editor, in the 'SEO' section of each page's settings.

3. Optimise your page URLs

Your page URLs should be concise, clear and structured, with words separated by dashes (-) rather than underscores (_). They should also include the main keywords for the page in question. To modify the URLs of your pages on Wix, go to the "SEO" section of the settings for each page and modify the "URL - web address" field as required.

4. Increase the relevance of content using keywords

Your articles or products must have a clear relationship between their content, their title tag, their meta-description and their URL, not forgetting the regular but measured use of keywords throughout the text. If you want to earn the trust of search engines, your content must be relevant and consistent.

Don't hesitate to use tools such as Google Ads Keyword Planner to identify the keywords most searched for by Internet users and maximise your chances of appearing in the top results of search engines.

5. Think about internal linking

Including internal links (referring to other pages on your site) in your content helps search engine spiders to better understand the architecture and hierarchy of your site. Your internal links should be placed naturally in the text, with anchor text that is relevant to the target page. To add internal links on Wix, use the "link" function available in the text editor.

6. Fill in the alt tags to make your images easier to read

Alt tags are short descriptions that accompany your images and contribute to their referencing. These tags must include keywords relating to the content of the page and accurately describe the image they accompany. By adding alt tags to your images, you help them to be indexed by search engines and improve the accessibility of your site for the visually impaired.

In Wix, you can enter alt tags directly from the editor for each image, in the "Image settings" section.

By following these tips and taking advantage of the tools offered by the Wix platform, you should soon see a clear improvement in the natural referencing of your site! 

You now have the keys to significantly increasing your organic traffic and developing your business through SEO.

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