Optimise your SEO on Prestashop to boost your online sales

SEO on Prestashop

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In the world of electronic commerceBut having an attractive, functional online shop is not enough.

It is also crucial to optimise your SEO to attract more potential customers and increase sales. In this guide, we'll explain how to effectively improve your SEO on a specific platform: Prestashop.

SEO on Prestashop

Understanding the importance of SEO on Prestashop

Prestashop is one of the e-commerce the most reputable and widely used in the world, offering online shop owners a wide range of features and tools to easily manage their business. However, a well-designed shop does not automatically guarantee high traffic and successful sales. In fact, an effective strategy needs to be put in place to optimise natural referencing on Google and other search engines.

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is essential for achieving greater visibility on the Internet. By working on different aspects of SEO, such as keywords, meta-descriptions and tags HTMLWith Prestashop, you can significantly improve the position of your Prestashop shop in search results, attract more visitors and increase your chances of making sales.

Choose the right keywords for your business

The first step in optimising your SEO on Prestashop is to identify the relevant keywords related to your business sector, products and services. These will play an essential role in the way your online shop is perceived by search engines and indexed among other competing sites.

To choose the right keywords, you can use tools such as Google AdWords or other online software that will help you analyse the search volume and the competition for each term. And don't forget to include long-tail keywords: these are generally made up of several words and target more specific queries, which can increase your chances of being found by potential customers looking for exactly what you offer.

Optimise the content of your site

Write attractive meta descriptions

Meta descriptions are short summaries that appear under the title of pages in search engine results. They should be informative, well written and encourage visitors to click on your link rather than that of a competitor. Make sure that each page of your Prestashop shop has a unique, personalised meta-description incorporating the main keyword(s).

Use HTML tags wisely

In addition to the text visible by users, search engines also analyse the HTML tags on your pages to assess their relevance and quality. It is therefore crucial to use these tags correctly in order to highlight certain important elements of your content and promote good SEO on Prestashop.

    • Titles : use H1, H2, H3 tags, etc. to structure your headings and sub-headings by prioritising the information. Make sure that each page has a single H1 tag and include the main keywords in the titles.
    • Words in bold : highlight certain key words or phrases using the <strong>which will give them particular importance in the eyes of search engines.
    • Internal links : create links between different pages on your site (called internal links) to facilitate navigation and improve the indexing of your online shop.

Take into account the technical aspects of SEO

To optimise the SEO of your Prestashop shop, it is also important to take into account certain technical features and parameters:

  • Loading speed : Reducing the loading time of your site's pages can significantly improve theuser experience and have a positive impact on your ranking in search results. Optimise your images, use a accommodation and consider activating your site's cache to speed up loading.

  • Adaptability to mobile phones : With more and more users browsing the Internet via their smartphone or tablet, it's vital that your Prestashop shop is adapted to mobile devices. Use a responsive theme and carry out regular tests to make sure it works properly on different screen sizes.

  • Avoid duplicate content : search engines penalise sites that have duplicate content. So make sure that each page of your shop contains unique and original text. In addition, configure canonical tags to avoid duplicate urls in certain cases, for example when a product can be accessed from several categories.

By following these tips and paying particular attention to the natural referencing of your Prestashop shop, you'll be able to increase its visibility on search engines, attract more potential customers and, ultimately, improve your online sales.

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