Master SEO on Adobe Magento to boost your e-commerce business

SEO on Adobe Magento

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In the ultra-competitive world of online commerce, it is essential to optimise your website and in particular its e-commerce.

Why should you do this? Quite simply because better positioning in the Google search results increases traffic to your site, and therefore the number of sales. To achieve this, we use various techniques called SEO (Search Engine Optimization)to improve the visibility of your site.

Among the various solutions available for creating an online shop, Adobe Magento is a platform widely used by professionals for its great flexibility and wide range of functions.

In this article, we'll show you how to optimise your natural search engine optimisation on Magento.


SEO on Adobe Magento

The basics of SEO on Adobe Magento

Configuring the basic parameters correctly

    • Better manage URL : Choose clear, meaningful URLs for your product pages. It's also important to determine the canonical URLs, i.e. those that will be considered primary by the search engines, to avoid duplicate content.
    • Optimising META tags : Use appropriate META titles and descriptions for each page of your Magento shop. These tags must be relevant and consistent with the content of the pages to improve their relevance to search engines.
    • Manage robots.txt and sitemap.xml : Adobe Magento 2 has its own robots.txt file by default, which is used to give instructions to search engines about access to certain pages on the site. However, it can be customised to suit your specific needs. As for the sitemap.xml file, it lists all the URLs in your online shop, making it easier for search engines to index them. Google.

Optimising content for better referencing

    • Writing SEO-optimised texts: Quality content that is well-written and, above all, tailored to your target audience is essential if you want to improve your ranking in search results. So make sure you use keywords that are relevant to your business, without overloading your texts.
    • Structuring your pages : It is important to have a clear and logical structure for your web pages, using the various HTML such as headings (h1, h2...), paragraphs (p) and lists (ul, ol). This makes it easier for visitors and search engines to read and understand your content.
    • Use optimised images : Visuals are also important for SEO. Make sure you choose relevant images, with a suitable format and a lighter weight, so as not to slow down the loading time of your pages. And don't forget to add "alt" attributes to your images, which help to describe their content to search engines and visually impaired users.

Improve the technical performance of your Magento site

Focusing on appropriate, high-performance accommodation

L'accommodation of your online shop has a major impact on its overall performance and therefore on its referencing. Opt for a hosting solution that offers good availability and response times, and give preference to servers located in the same country as your online store. audience target.

Optimising loading time and site speed

  • Managing caching : Caching is crucial to improving loading speed of your Magento site. There are different types of cache (page cache, block caches, etc.) that you can activate and configure according to your needs.

  • Minimising and compressing resources : The files CSS, JavaScript and HTML files on your site can be optimised to reduce their weight and speed up loading. The integrated "Merge Css/JS files" module also makes this task easier, and can considerably improve your shop's performance.

  • Delegate certain tasks to the browser : Using "Lazy Loading" or delayed loading of images means that only those visible to the user are loaded, which significantly improves the loading time of your site. Similarly, the use of "Service Workers" can enable certain actions to be carried out locally on the user's browser, without depending on the web server.

Exploiting SEO extensions for Magento

To go even further in optimising your SEO on Adobe Magento, you can also use various extensions (or plugins) developed specifically for SEO:

  • Yoast SEO : Very popular and powerful, thanks in particular to its native integration with Magento 2, Yoast SEO offers a wide range of features to improve the relevance and visibility of your online shop.
  • Mageplaza SEO : This extension offers additional functionalities to the basic Magento options, such as advanced management of META tags, automatic addition of rich snippets or correcting broken links.
  • Amasty SEO Toolkit : It's an all-in-one solution that brings together several modules to effectively manage the different facets of SEO on your Magento site. For example, it offers tools for optimising images, configuring redirects, analysing performance, etc.

By applying these tips and using the features offered by Adobe Magento and its extensions, you'll have every chance of achieving better natural referencing and attracting more customers to your online shop.

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