SEO Metrics decoded: understanding their importance and how to use them

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In the world of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), specific terms such as SEO metrics and KPIs are widely used to measure the effectiveness of your SEO efforts.

Metrics and KPIs are tools that help you monitor, analyse and optimise your business. website to improve its visibility and attract more organic traffic.

This article defines these terms and reviews some of the main SEO measures.

SEO metrics

Definition of SEO Metrics and KPIs

The SEO metricsSEO metrics are a set of indicators used to measure the performance and effectiveness of a natural referencing campaign. These indicators can range from click-through rates to page views, via the number of backlinks or site loading time.

As for SEO KPIs KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are key metrics that you can monitor on a regular basis to check whether the objectives set for your SEO campaign are being achieved. In short, KPIs are essential for measuring the return on investment of your SEO strategy and tracking its progress over time.

Main SEO metrics to follow to optimise your site

There are a number of SEO metrics that you can monitor to get the most out of your SEO strategy. Here are some of the most relevant metrics to monitor:

Organic traffic

Le organic traffic represents the number of visitors who arrive on your website via a search engine, such as Google or Bingwithout having been influenced by other sources (paid advertising...), sponsored linksetc.). Monitoring the evolution of organic traffic is essential to determine whether your SEO strategy is bearing fruit.

Click-through rates and positioning in search results

Le click-through rate (CTR) is the ratio between the number of times a user clicks on your link and the total number of impressions it has generated in the search results. A high CTR generally means that your titles and meta-descriptions are attractive and encourage users to click on your link rather than those of your competitors.

At the same time, it is important to monitor the average position of your site in search engine results. Improving this position often results in an increase in organic traffic and click-through rates.

Bounce rate

Le bounce rate is the percentage of users who leave your site after viewing a single page. A high bounce rate may indicate a problem with the relevance, usability or content of your site. It is therefore essential to analyse the reasons for this high rate and make the necessary adjustments to reduce the bounce rate.


The conversions correspond to the desired actions carried out by your visitors on your website, such as purchases, registrations for a newsletter, etc. newsletterdownloads or enquiries. It is crucial to monitor this indicator to determine whether your SEO strategy is not only attracting significant traffic, but also qualitative traffic that is likely to generate sales, subscriptions or other important actions for your online business.

How can you use SEO Metrics to optimise your natural referencing?

Now that you're familiar with the main SEO metrics, here are a few tips on how to use them to improve your natural referencing:

  1. Identify high-performance pages: Analyse the performance of each page on your site (click-through rate, position in search results, conversions, etc.) and identify the pages that are performing best. This will enable you to take action to further optimise these pages and capitalise on their strengths.

  2. Identify technical problems: Monitor the metrics linked to your site's loading time and ergonomics to detect any technical problems that could have an impact on visibility and user satisfaction.user experience of your visitors. A well-designed, fast and easy-to-navigate site will boost your natural referencing.

  3. Analyse the keywords: Use tools such as Google Analytics or other specific software to identify the keywords that generate the most organic traffic to your site. Concentrate on these keywords to further optimise their positioning in the search results.

  4. Optimise your meta-tags: Finally, make sure that the titles, meta-descriptions and heading tags (H1, H2...) on your pages are relevant and attractive, so that users want to click on your link rather than that of a competitor.

In conclusion, SEO metrics provide you with valuable information for evaluating the effectiveness of your natural referencing strategy and making the necessary improvements to optimise your website's positioning and visibility on search engines.

Using the examples and advice given above, all you have to do is get started and monitor and analyse the metrics according to your specific objectives and needs!

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