Deciphering the world of SEO friendly: definition and tips to boost your ranking

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The world of natural referencingSearch Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a complex and constantly evolving subject.

Among the many strategies and techniques employed by web professionals, the SEO friendly stands out as an essential solution for improving the visibility of a site on search engines such as Google.

In this article, we're going to explore the definition of this method and give you some advice on how to make your content more effective and attractive to users and search engine algorithms.

SEO friendly

What is SEO friendly?

The term "SEO friendly" refers to all the methods and practices used to optimise the structure, design and content of a website. website or a specific web page in order to improve its positioning on search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo. The aim of an SEO-friendly approach is to be " friendly "In other words, to make it easier for them to understand and analyse the content on offer, while guaranteeing a high level of accuracy. user experience satisfactory.

Why adopt an SEO-friendly strategy?

Making a website or content SEO friendly has a number of major advantages:

  • Improved ranking By making it easier for search engines to analyse and index your site, you increase your chances of appearing in the top positions of the organic results.
  • Increased visibility Better positioning in the search results increases the likelihood of attracting more visitors to your site, which generally translates into more traffic and, potentially, higher profits. conversions (sales, subscriptions, etc.).
  • Optimised user experience SEO friendly: SEO friendly techniques also aim to design websites that are intuitive and easy to navigate, which helps to meet user expectations and build user loyalty.

Tips for making your content SEO friendly

1. Choose your keywords wisely

For content to be considered SEO friendly, it is essential to choose its keywords. These must be relevant to the subject being covered and correspond to user searches. There are a number of tools available to help you in this process, such as Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggestto identify popular and competitive expressions in your field of activity.

Once you have selected your keywords, include them naturally in your headings, sub-headings and paragraphs, but don't overdo it, as this could damage the quality of your content and be penalised by the search engines.

2. Opt for a clear, logical structure

An SEO-friendly website or web page must have a clear, logical structureThis makes it easier for users to navigate and for search engines to analyse. To achieve this, it is important to respect a hierarchy of titles (<h1><h2><h3>...), adopt an intuitive menu system and divide your content into concise, easy-to-read paragraphs.

3. Use relevant meta tags

The meta tags are tags HTML invisible to the user, but essential for search engines, as they provide them with key information about the content of your page. The most important meta tags include :

  1. The title tag : indicates the page title; it must be unique and include the main keywords.
  2. La meta description : summarises the content of the page in a few sentences; it must be attractive and encourage users to click on the link in the search results.
  3. Meta keywords : although controversial and less used than in the past, these tags allow you to specify the keywords covered in the page and can be useful for certain secondary search engines.

4. Optimise your images and other multimedia elements

Visual content, such as images or videos, is particularly popular with web users and can contribute to the success of a web page. However, if they are to be SEO friendly, it is important to :

  • Reduce their weight so as not to have a negative impact on the loading speed of the site.
  • Use alt tags to describe the content of images, enabling search engines to better understand their context and display them in image search results.
  • Integrate subtitles or transcriptions for videos, making it easier for hearing-impaired or non-French-speaking users to access their content and boosting referencing.

5. Think about internal and external networking

Le internal networking refers to all the hypertext links on your site pointing to other pages on your site. High-quality internal linking makes it easier for users to navigate your site, encourages them to explore it further and reinforces your site's image. thematic coherence between your different pages.

As for the external networkingIt can be seen in the form of links to external sources (other sites), blogsetc.). If they are well chosen, these links can add credibility to your content, make it more interesting and potentially generate backlinks (inbound links), a sign of popularity in the eyes of search engines.

In a nutshell

Creating a SEO friendly site consists of implementing a series of optimisations to improve readability and visibility on search engines.

This involves choosing the right keywords, adopting a clear structure, using meta tags, optimising multimedia elements and developing effective internal and external links.

By following these tips and keeping up to date with the latest SEO trends, you will be able to boost your natural referencing and significantly increase your audience.

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