Understanding SEO for visual searches: 10 key points

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In the world of online SEO, a new trend has emerged: SEO for visual searches.

This discipline uses traditional optimisation techniques to adapt to the increasingly visual behaviour of users on search engines, such as Google and Bing.

To fully understand the challenges of SEO for visual searches, we need to review some of the key aspects of this phenomenon. Here are 10 key points to consider:

SEO for visual searches

1. The definition of SEO for visual searches

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for visual searches consists of optimizing visual content (images, videos, infographics, etc.) so that it is better positioned in search engine results when users perform specifically visual queries (e.g. image searches).

2. The changing search habits of Internet users

With the rise of social networks and image-sharing platforms like Instagram or PinterestInternet users have developed increasingly visual search behaviour. Many people now prefer content that allows them to quickly grasp information without having to read long texts.

3. The types of content concerned by visual SEO

The main forms of visual content concerned by SEO for visual searches are the following:

  1. Still imagesincluding photos, illustrations and computer graphics.
  2. The videosincluding promotional clips, tutorials or demonstrations.
  3. Interactive animationsThese include animated GIFs, slideshows and online games.

4. Search engines with visual search functionality

Some of the major search engines offering visual search functionality include Google (via its Google Images service) and Bing (with Bing Visual Search), but there are also other lesser-known players to consider, such as Yandex (in Russia) or Baidu (in China).

5. The challenges of visual SEO for businesses

For companies, integrating SEO for visual searches into their digital strategy can offer a number of advantages, including

  • Increase their visibility to Internet users who prefer to search by image or video.
  • Improvinguser experience by offering visual content that is relevant and adapted to the searches carried out.
  • Gain credibility and notoriety through a greater presence on image and video sharing platforms.

6. Optimisation techniques specific to visual SEO

The main methods used to optimise the referencing of visual content include :

  1. The use of relevant keywords in the "alt" and "title" tags of imagesand in the descriptions and captions accompanying the videos.
  2. Compressing image and video filesto reduce their weight and speed up their loading on web pages.
  3. Choosing the right file format (for example, JPEG for photos, PNG for logos, GIF for animations).

A few other tips to consider:

    • Create a sitemap dedicated to the images and videos on your site, to make it easier for search engines to index them.
    • Linking tags Schema.org to visual elements, so that their content is better understood by users. indexing robots.

7. Classification criteria specific to visual searches

To assess the relevance of results to visual queries, search engines use a number of criteria, including :

  • The technical and aesthetic quality of the visual content proposed (resolution, composition, originality).
  • Keyword relevance based on the terms used by Internet users in their search.
  • Content popularityThis is measured in particular by the number of shares, incoming links and citations on other web pages.
  • Overall optimisation of the site on which the visual content is hosted (loading speedaccessibility, consistency with the theme).

8. Visual SEO analysis and monitoring tools

Several solutions exist to enable companies to measure the evolution of their SEO performance for visual searches:

  1. Analytical tools integrated into content management platforms (for example, Google AnalyticsAdobe Analytics).
  2. Dedicated extensions for web browsers (such as MozBar or SEOquake, which offer real-time audits of visual content and its optimisation).
  3. Specialist SEO software (such as SEMrush or Ahrefs), which often include features specifically designed for visual SEO.

9. The challenges of successful visual SEO

Some of the difficulties that companies may face in developing their SEO for visual searches include:

  • The choice and appropriate use of keywords, in a context where they must be both relevant to visual searches and consistent with the overall theme of the site.
  • The need to constantly monitor changes in search engine ranking algorithms, which can affect the visibility of optimised visual content.
  • Increased competition between the various players in the market, who are "fighting" to distinguish themselves through their visual creations and online presence.

10. The future of SEO for visual searches

In the future, several trends should continue to shape the SEO landscape for visual searches:

  • Artificial intelligencewhich improves search engines' understanding of the content and meaning of visual elements on the web.
  • The development of new technologies such as augmented or virtual reality, which are likely to influence the visual search behaviour of web users.
  • The rise of mobile-first indexingThis is prompting companies to rethink their SEO and content creation strategies for mobile devices.
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