Optimising your SEO with React: the 10 key steps

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How do you do SEO with React?

React is a library JavaScript very popular for developing high-performance, interactive web applications.

However, when it comes to SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), the platform can present certain technical challenges to ensure optimal visibility on search engines, such as Google.

In this article, we're going to take a look at 10 essential points for successfully optimising your React-developed site.


1. Understanding the basics of SEO and React

The primary aim of SEO is to improve your site's ranking in organic search results. To achieve this, you need to work on various aspects, such as content, site structure, backlinks anduser experience. React is a technology for creating dynamic user interfaces using JavaScript, which can pose problems in terms of SEO. Understanding both areas will help you to better understand the specifics to be taken into account when optimising your site.

2. Using Server Side Rendering (SSR)

One of the main obstacles to SEO for sites designed with React is the loading of dynamic content on the client side. Search engines have always favoured server-side pages. To get round this problem, we recommend opting for the SSR (Server Side Rendering)which offers indexing robots a rendering HTML and facilitates access to content.

2.1 The different SSR tools for React

There are several solutions for implementing server-side rendering with React :

    • Next.js React: this is probably the most popular and easiest-to-use framework for SSR. It includes APIs and makes it easy to optimise your React pages.
    • Gatsby SSR: this static site generator is also highly suited to applications developed in React, and greatly simplifies the implementation of SSR.
    • Razzle Another lesser-known solution, but one that offers extensive functionality for integrating SSR into your React project.

3. Adopt clean, structured URLs

For better referencing, it is essential to work on the internal networking of your site and opt for a clear, well-organised structure. URLs play a vital role in this. Make sure they are consistent, clean, descriptive and free of special characters or unnecessary parameters. In addition, try to use relevant keywords to best describe the theme of each page.

4. Carry out a regular SEO audit

In order to detect potential problems and evaluate the effectiveness of your SEO actions, it is crucial to carry out regular audits. You can use tools such as Google Lighthouse, SEMrush or Screaming Frog to analyse your site and identify areas for improvement. This will enable you to continuously optimise your referencing and monitor changes in your ranking.

5. Optimising meta tags

In the context of SEO, the meta tags tags are essential for showing search engines the content of each page and improving their understanding of it. Three tags are particularly important:

  • Title This attribute should reflect the theme of the page as closely as possible and include a relevant keyword.
  • Description This tag is used as a summary in search results and should encourage visitors to click on your link.
  • Canonical This tag avoids the problem of content duplication by telling the indexing robots which URL to be the most relevant.

6. Improve page load speed

A fast loading time is a key criterion for a successful user experience and good SEO. To optimise the performance of your site developed in React, think about :

  • Reduce image size and activate Gzip compression
  • Impose progressive display of elements (Lazy Loading)
  • Use caching and prefetching to anticipate the loading of certain elements
  • Optimise your JavaScript code and CSS

7. Ensuring mobile compatibility

With the " mobile first Thanks to Google's "mobile-friendly" strategy, it's more important than ever to have a site that's adapted to mobile devices. To do this, regularly check the compatibility of your pages on different screens and resolutions, and make sure that none of the content penalises mobile users.

8. Managing pagination and infinite scroll

When it comes to referencing a site developed with React, navigation methods such as the pagination or infinite scroll can pose accessibility problems for indexing robots. They therefore need to be offered an alternative in the form of semantic links enabling them to navigate between the different sections.

9. Work on the external mesh

Search rankings are influenced by the quality and quantity of links pointing to your site. It is therefore essential to devote time and effort to obtaining relevant, quality backlinks from authoritative sites in your field.

10. Analysing and monitoring results

SEO is not a one-off job, but an ongoing process that requires regular analysis and monitoring of results. Use tools such as Google Analytics, Search Console or third-party solutions to measure your site's performance, identify areas for improvement and adjust your strategy accordingly.

In conclusion, even if development in React presents certain constraints in terms of SEO, there are solutions for optimising your search engine positioning. By following these 10 key steps, you can greatly improve your site's visibility and attract more qualified visitors.

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