Understanding SEO for images 

Through our SEO Agency Optimize 360.

What is SEO for Images?

In the world of SEO, or Search Engine OptimizationThere are many factors to take into account when improving the visibility of a website on search engines, such as Google.

Texts, links and even images have their part to play in this optimisation.

Over the years, Google has developed various techniques and criteria for identifying and classifying content on a website. website. Le image referencing is one of the crucial steps in a successful SEO strategy.


Why integrate images into your SEO strategy?

Images can be a powerful lever for improving the natural referencing of your website. Here are a few reasons why it's important to pay attention to SEO for images:

  • Attracting visitors' attention: users are more attracted by visual content than by simple text. An attractive image can encourage users to read your article or visit your page.
  • Improving theuser experience : Information-rich, well-illustrated content helps visitors to better understand and retain information.
  • Promote your products or services: If you sell products or offer services, quality images can enhance the appeal and credibility of your offer.
  • Gain visibility on Google Images: By optimising your images for SEO, you increase the chances of them appearing in Google's image search results, which can generate additional traffic to your site.

SEO criteria for images

To ensure that your images are well referenced by Google and other search engines, there are a number of elements to take into account and optimise. Let's take a look at the main SEO criteria for images:

1. The relevance and quality of the images

First of all, the image you choose must be relevant to the subject and content of the page or article. Don't just insert general or off-topic images, as they won't be appreciated either by Google or by your visitors.

Next, make sure your images are of good resolution and legible. A blurred or pixelated image will give the wrong impression and could even damage your site's reputation.

2. Image format and weight

The format referring to the type of file (JPEG, PNGGIF, etc.), it's important to choose the one that's best for you. In most cases, the JPEG format offers a good compromise between image size and quality. However, certain specific cases, such as logos or images containing text, may be better rendered in PNG format.

When it comes to image weight, it is crucial to ensure that it is appropriate and as light as possible. Images that are too heavy slow down page loading times and can damage the user experience. For this reason, consider compressing your images online using tools such as TinyPNG or WebP Converter.

3. The "alt" attribute

The "alt" attribute is a very important element in image referencing. It is mainly used to describe the content of an image to make it easier for search engines to understand it, and also allows the image to be visible in the event of a problem loading the image on the web page.

It is therefore essential to fill in this attribute for each of your images with a clear and concise description, naturally incorporating your keywords. For example, for an image representing a gallery of landscape photos, the "alt" attribute could be: "galerie-photo-paysages-montagne-campagne".

4. The file name

The choice of file name for your image is also important. Avoid generic file names (such as "image1.jpg") or series of meaningless numbers and letters. Instead, choose explicit file names that highlight the content of the image and include your relevant keywords.

For example, instead of naming an image "IMG_1234.jpg", choose a name like "recette-poulet-curry.jpg" if the photo illustrates a curried chicken dish.

Mistakes to avoid when optimising images

Now that you know the SEO criteria for images, you should also be aware of the common pitfalls that many webmasters encounter:

  1. Do not use images protected by copyright : always use royalty-free images or images you have permission to use.
  2. Overload your page with images : Too many images on the same page can make it indigestible and damage the user experience as well as the performance of your site. Choose quality over quantity.
  3. Omit important attributes: make sure you fill in the "alt", "title" and other essential tags correctly for good referencing.
  4. Using an unsuitable format : don't risk degrading the quality of an image by saving it in an unsuitable format. Choose the right format for each individual case.

To sum up, choosing and optimising images for SEO can greatly improve the SEO performance of your website. Don't hesitate to make improvements and test different techniques to take advantage of these levers and stand out in Google search results.

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