Understanding SEO for AMP: 10 key points

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What is SEO for AMP ?

Natural referencing or SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a set of techniques designed to optimise the visibility of a website in search engine results such as Google.

L'AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is an open-source project initiated by Google, which aims to speed up the loading of web pages on mobile devices.

In this article, we'll look at 10 key points on how AMP can influence and improve your SEO strategy.


1. A better user experience thanks to AMP

One of the keys to success in SEO is providing an excellent user experience. Several factors are included in this concept, such as the speed of loadingThe AMP framework is designed to improve the user experience, ease of navigation and compatibility with various types of device, including mobile phones. Thanks to the AMP framework, pages are displayed more quickly on smartphones and tablets, giving users the best possible experience.

Fast loading

L'AMP enables fast loading pages by eliminating a number of time-consuming elements, such as scripts JavaScript and intrusive advertising. Copy is prioritised to quickly display what matters most to users: quality content. This speed of loading is much appreciated by Internet users, who will not hesitate to return to your site.

2. Better ranking in search results

Search engines such as Google attach great importance to loading speed and user experience in determining the ranking of sites in their results. By adopting AMP, you can improve both these aspects and increase your chances of appearing in the search results. first page of results research.

Impact on bounce rate

In addition, the increase in loading speed pages thanks to AMP can also help to reduce your bounce rate. A high bounce rate tells search engines that your site is not meeting user expectations, which is detrimental to your SEO ranking. By offering a fast and satisfying browsing experience, you encourage more visitors to explore your site, thereby reducing this rate and improving your ranking.

3. Adapting to users' mobile preferences

Today, more than half of all internet traffic comes from mobile devices. So it's vital to factor this trend into your SEO strategy. AMP pages are designed specifically to offer a ergonomics adapted to smartphones and tabletsThis means your visitors can navigate your site quickly and easily, whatever their screen size.

4. Favourable indexing by Google

As a project initiated by Google, AMP is taken into account in the search engine's indexing criteria. AMP-compatible pages are indicated to users by a specific symbol (a lightning bolt) in the search results, indicating that they offer an optimised mobile experience. In addition, AMP pages often appear at the top of the results in the form of a carousel of articles.

Reducing duplicate content

To avoid duplicate content (duplicate content), which is detrimental to your search engine ranking, AMP offers a simple solution: metadata. By adding it to the HTML of your pages, you're signalling indexing robots the presence of alternative versions for mobile devices. This means that the two versions can coexist without any problems, and you can take full advantage of the benefits of AMP for your SEO.

5. Competitive advantages

Adopting AMP represents a significant competitive advantage for your site. By offering a superior user experience, you can increase visitor loyalty, raise your profile and improve your online visibility. All of which means you can outperform your competitors less attentive to their mobile performance and the comfort of their navigation audience.

6. Measuring performance with Google Analytics

To effectively monitor the performance of your AMP pages and their impact on your SEO, you can use Google Analytics. This tool enables you to monitor key indicators such as the bounce rate, average session length and number of pages viewed per visit, so that you can adjust your content and optimisation strategy accordingly.

7. Adverts adapted for AMP pages

In order to preserve the user experience, AMP imposes certain restrictions on the layout and type of advertising permitted. However, this does not mean that you have to give up advertising revenue on your optimised pages. AMP offers a specific advertising format, called AMPHTML Adswhich enables fast, minimally intrusive ads to be displayed that are compatible with the framework's requirements.

8. Copy optimisation for AMP

AMP focuses above all on performance and the mobile experience. So it's important to adapt your copy accordingly, taking care to highlight the essential information at the start of the text, and using short, concise sentences. Don't hesitate to enrich your content with HTML tags (titles, lists, etc.) to improve its readability and attractiveness.

9. Integrating AMP into a CMS

To facilitate the adoption of AMP, many content management systems (CMS), such that WordPressSome of these offer dedicated plugins or extensions. These tools allow you to convert automatically your existing pages in AMP format, without having to recreate them from scratch. This saves you a considerable amount of time and means you can quickly reap the benefits of the framework for your SEO.

10. Future developments of the AMP

Finally, it's important to stress that the AMP project is constantly evolving, with new features and improvements regularly proposed by the open-source community. By adopting this framework today, you can ensure that you remain at the cutting edge of technology and offer your visitors an ever more effective and satisfying experience, which will strengthen your search engine positioning for the long term.

All in all, AMP represents an interesting opportunity to optimise your natural search engine optimisation. Thanks to its many advantages, such as fast loading, mobile ergonomics and favourable indexing by Google, AMP pages can help you achieve and maintain top positions in search results. With these 10 key points in mind, take full advantage of this innovative framework and offer your audience a user experience that lives up to their expectations.

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