Definition of E-commerce SEO

Through our SEO Agency and E-Commerce Agency Optimize 360.

In the world of online commerce, it is crucial to be visible on search engines.

Indeed, most online shoppers start their search for products or services on Google and other search engines. So optimising your site e-commerce for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is vital if you are to attract as many potential customers as possible and ensure the long-term future of your online business.

However, the specificities of SEO for e-commerce sites are slightly different from other types of website. Here are some specific aspects to consider when approaching SEO optimisation of a e-commerce website.

Our SEO Agency gives you a few ideas here:

SEO E-Commerce

Focus on relevant, transactional keywords

One of the first points to consider in the context of SEO for an e-commerce site is the selection of keywords.

It is essential to identify relevant keywords that correspond both to your product offering and to the searches carried out by Internet users.

More specifically, e-commerce sites need to focus on "transactional" keywords.

What is a transactional keyword in E-Commerce SEO?

A keyword transactional is a search term used by Internet users when they are ready to carry out a specific action, such as buying a product.

These keywords generally have a commercial intentThis means that those who use these terms are more likely to make a purchase. Examples of transactional keywords :

  • Buying running shoes
  • Smartphone comparison
  • Online clothing promotions

By targeting these specific keywords, you increase your chances of attracting visitors who are ready to take action and buy from your e-commerce site.

Optimise the overall structure of the site

The way in which a website plays a crucial role in its effectiveness in terms of SEO. For e-commerce sites, it is important to have a clear, well-organised architecture.

A good structure helps search engines to better understand the content of the site, and also makes it easier for users to navigate.

Organise your categories and sub-categories

To optimise the structure of your e-commerce site, think about organising your products into logical and intuitive categories and sub-categories. This will make it easier for your visitors to navigate and improve their experience of your site.

What's more, this will enable search engine spiders to better understand and index all the pages on your site.

Create effective internal links

Le internal networking is an essential element in natural referencing, especially for e-commerce sites.

This involves creating links between different pages on your site, to improve navigation for users and facilitate indexing by search engines.

Make sure that your flagship products are easily accessible from the home page and that each category has links to sub-categories and related products.

Work on on-page optimisation

On-page optimisation refers to all the techniques used to improve the natural referencing of a web page by making changes to the content and code. HTML of the latter. For an e-commerce site, several specific aspects need to be taken into account:

  • Title tags (H1, H2, etc.) Use informative and catchy title tags to clearly indicate the subject of each page.
  • Meta descriptions Write unique and powerful meta descriptions to encourage visitors to click on your site in the search results.
  • ALT tags Add ALT tags to all your images, describing their content precisely. This can help to improve the SEO of your images and bring you extra traffic.
  • Drafting of product sheets Product sheets: Product sheets are essential for convincing visitors to buy from your site. Take care when writing them, using relevant keywords and providing detailed information about the products.

A fast, responsive site

La loading speed of a website is an important criterion for SEO, as well as for theuser experience.

Internet users are less and less patient when faced with pages that take a long time to load, and this can have a negative impact on your conversion rate. conversion. So make sure you optimise the speed of your e-commerce site by compressing your images, limiting the use of resource-hungry plugins and activating caching.

What's more, it's essential that your site is adapted to different screen formats, particularly smartphones and tablets.

A responsive site will provide a better experience for mobile users, who make up a growing proportion of online shoppers.

In addition, Google now penalises non-mobile friendly sites in its mobile search results.

Collect and use customer reviews

The customer reviews have an impact on SEO, but also on visitor confidence.

It has been proven that the presence of positive reviews on an e-commerce site considerably increases the chances of conversion.

To capitalise on this trend, set up a system that makes it easy for your customers to leave comments and ratings on your products.

What's more, search engines will have to take these opinions into account by integrating structured data tags (also known as Schema tags) in the HTML code of your product pages.

By following these recommendations, you are putting all the chances on your side to optimise the natural referencing of your e-commerce site and attract more qualified visitors who are likely to buy from your site.

Don't forget that SEO is an ongoing process and that you need to constantly monitor and adjust your strategy in line with changes in the search engines and the behaviour of Internet users.

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