SEO diagnosis: all the tools you need to optimise your website

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SEO diagnostic tools

To carry out a successful natural referencing strategy, it is essential to analyse the positioning of your website and identify the factors that can penalise its visibility on the Internet. Google.

This is where SEO diagnostic tools come into play: they allow you to carry out a real check-up of your website so that you can take targeted corrective action.

In 10 key points, find out what these solutions are and how best to use them.SEO diagnostic tools

1. Technical performance with Google Search Console

The essential tool for any SEO manager is without doubt the Google Search Console.

Integrated into Google's services, this console enables you to record a wide range of technical information about the operation of your site, such as the indexing of pages by robots, the presence of broken links and URL errors. Google Search Console also provides statistics on your positions in search results and alerts you to critical problems.

2. Backlink analysis with Moz Pro

Inbound links (or backlinks) are a decisive factor in establishing the popularity of your site in the eyes of the search engines. The quality and relevance of these links are therefore essential to monitor. Tools Moz Pro offers a module called "Link Explorer", which gives you a complete overview of your inbound link profile, with information on the number and quality of referring domains. This will enable you to identify any suspicious practices or toxic links.

3. HTTP error detection via Check My Links

A website with too many HTTP errors can be penalised by Google, as these errors are detrimental to theuser experience. The Chrome extension Check My Links will help you quickly detect broken links (404 error) present on your site, by scanning all the URL of the same web page and automatically highlighting those that don't work.

4. Evaluating content with SEMrush

Content analysis is an essential step in a SEO audit It ensures that your site offers relevant, interesting and well-structured content for web users. SEMrush Content Analyzer is a powerful tool for developing and improving your content strategy. It offers in-depth analyses of your texts, recommendations for optimising their readability and referencing, as well as a review of the competition to identify the best-performing content in your sector.

5. Inspecting HTML tags with Screaming Frog

The tags HTML are at the heart of on-page SEO: they give search engine spiders valuable information about the structure and content of your pages. The tool Screaming Frog is a veritable Swiss army knife for SEO: it scans your site to detect areas for improvement, such as title tags that are too long, missing tags or duplicated tags.

5.1. Hn tags

Hn tags are used to structure your pages by dividing them into sections and sub-sections. Their hierarchisation must follow a coherent logic, with an H1 tag for the main title, followed by H2, H3, etc. tags for the headings. Screaming Frog makes it easy to check this layout.

5.2. Meta tags

Meta description tags provide a summary of your page that may appear in search results. Each meta description should be unique and enticing, to encourage visitors to click on your link. Screaming Frog also allows you to assess the quality of these meta descriptions.

6. Measuring loading time with GTmetrix

The loading time of your site is a crucial factor for the user experience and for SEO. A page that loads quickly is more pleasant to navigate and less likely to be abandoned by visitors. Why not use GTmetrixa free online tool that analyses loading speed your website and give you advice on how to optimise it?

7. Checking mobile display with Mobile-Friendly Test

With the extension of the Mobile First Index", Google is placing increasing emphasis on the compatibility of your site on mobile devices. That's why it's vital to check that your site displays on these devices, using tools such as Mobile-Friendly Testdeveloped by Google.

8. Analysing the competition to take advantage of their strategies

Examining your competitors' SEO strategy and content can help you identify opportunities for improvement and best practice. Many tools offer this functionality, such as SEMrush which allows you to evaluate the performance of the keywords used by your competitors, or Moz Pro to analyse their inbound link profiles.

9. Performance indicators via Google Analytics

To measure the impact of your SEO actions, you need to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as organic traffic, conversion rate and time spent on pages. Google Analytics is an invaluable tool for obtaining this information and adapting your natural referencing strategy accordingly.

10. Regular monitoring of progress in positioning

Finally, to assess the effectiveness of your SEO strategy, it is essential to monitor your search engine positioning on a regular basis. There are several ways of doing this, including SE Ranking or even Moz Pro Rank Tracker.

From Google Search Console to Moz Pro and SEMrush, SEO diagnostic tools are many and varied. They are essential allies in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your website and implementing an optimal SEO strategy.

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