The SEO dashboard: a key tool for optimising your natural referencing strategy

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When it comes to natural referencing, having an SEO dashboard is essential for tracking performance and adapting your strategy accordingly.

In this article, we will define what a SEO dashboardbefore explaining how to implement it effectively.

SEO Dashboard

What is an SEO dashboard?

SEO dashboard (or dashboard SEO) is a tool for centralising and displaying data relating to a website's natural referencing. website.

It is used to measure the effectiveness of actions taken on the site, and to anticipate future actions to be taken to improve its positioning in search engines.

SEO dashboard key performance indicators

The SEO dashboard is generally based on several elements key performance indicators (KPI), such as :

    • Organic traffic: number of visitors coming from search engines;
    • The click-through rate (CTR): ratio between the number of clicks and the number of impressions of a page;
    • The average time spent on the site or each specific page;
    • Le bounce rate proportion of visitors who left the site quickly after arriving;
    • The number of pages indexed by search engines;
    • The average positioning of the site on the targeted keywords;
    • The backlinks inbound links from other websites.

The evolution of these indicators over time is an excellent way of assessing the effectiveness of the actions taken in terms of natural referencing.

How do you set up an SEO dashboard?

To create and use an SEO dashboard, you need to follow a number of steps:

1. Choosing or designing a monitoring tool

There are many tools available on the market for creating your SEO dashboard. Some are free (Google AnalyticsGoogle Search Console...), while others are fee-based (SEMRush, MozAhrefs...). These tools generally provide ready-to-use dashboards that can be customised to suit your needs.

Note that it is also possible to build your own dashboard by combining different data sources, using visualisation software such as Tableau or Microsoft Power BI, or via an Excel or Google Sheets spreadsheet.

2. Define your objectives

Before getting started, take the time to define your SEO objectives. These may be to improve the visibility of your pages on certain keywords, to increase your organic traffic, or to generate more conversions via SEO (sales, newsletter subscriptions, etc.). These objectives will enable you to determine the KPIs to be monitored in your dashboard.

3. Select key indicators

Select the indicators that are relevant to your objectives and include them in your dashboard. Be careful about the number of KPIs you monitor: it's better to concentrate on a few relevant indicators than to drown your analyses in a flood of useless data.

Consider the relevance of KPIs to your business

Don't forget that some indicators are more relevant than others, depending on your sector of activity and your specific objectives. For example, if you sell top-of-the-range products, the rate of conversion can be more important than traffic volume. So be sure to adapt your selection of indicators to your needs.

4. Integrating different data sources

You will then need to link your dashboard to the various data sources involved (Google Analytics, Google Search ConsoleSEO tools, etc.). Don't hesitate to use APIs to retrieve information automatically and avoid numerous manual tasks.

5. Analyse and adjust your strategy

Once you have set up your SEO dashboard, take the time to analyse your results regularly and evaluate the effectiveness of your strategy. Identify the areas for improvement, adjust your actions accordingly and set yourself new targets to continue making progress.

Best practices for optimising your SEO dashboard

Customise the dashboard to suit your needs

A good SEO dashboard is a tool that adapts to the specific needs of its users. Don't hesitate to customise it according to your objectives and the key indicators you have chosen.

Update your data regularly

Natural search engine optimisation is a constantly evolving discipline, so it's essential to regularly monitor the performance of your site and update your data. This will enable you to quickly identify trends and potential problems and adapt your strategy accordingly.

Communicate with your team

The SEO dashboard is an excellent way of sharing important information with the members of your team involved in implementing the natural referencing strategy (marketing manager, web editor, developer, etc.). Make sure that they understand the indicators and the objective of each action taken.

So building and using an effective SEO dashboard takes time, discipline and a good knowledge of the relevant indicators. However, you'll soon realise that this tool is essential for evaluating and optimising your natural search engine optimisation!

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