Understanding the SEO copywriting profession in 10 points

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What is an SEO copywriter?

In the world of the web and digital marketing, SEO copywriters play a vital role.

This professional is responsible for creating content that is optimised for search engines in order to increase the visibility of a website and promote its natural referencing.

Here are 10 key points to help you understand this fast-growing profession.

SEO copywriter

1. Definition of an SEO copywriter

Le SEO copywriter (Search Engine Optimization) is a specialist in the web copywriting which designs textual content tailored to the requirements of search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo. He combines writing skills with knowledge of SEO techniques to create articles, pages or product sheets that meet the needs of Internet users while ranking well in search results.

2. The SEO copywriter's objectives

The SEO copywriter's main objectives are :

  1. Improving positioning a website in search engine results compared with its competitors
  2. Optimisinguser experience by offering relevant, interesting and easily accessible content
  3. Encouraging commitment visitors with effective calls to action
  4. Raising awareness the brand, developing its online presence and generating shares on social networks
  5. Generate traffic qualify and increase conversions (sales, registrations, requests for quotes, etc.)

3. Knowledge and skills required

A good SEO copywriter must master :

  • The techniques of web copywriting Fluid, punchy style, clear presentation, impeccable spelling, etc.
  • The tools keyword search (Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, SEMrushetc.) to identify relevant terms for inclusion in content
  • The beacons HTML basic (headings, paragraphs, links, images, lists) to structure texts in the best possible way
  • The on-page optimisation techniques meta tags, URLinternal linking, keyword density, etc.
  • The algorithm updates search engines and their impact on SEO practices
  • La target (personas) and the competitive environment of the site to adapt the tone and content

4. The different stages in the SEO copywriting process

Here are the main stages in an SEO copywriting project:

  1. Preliminary study analysis of demand, identification of keywords and the competition, definition of a schedule and a volume of work
  2. Writing content Documentary research, summarising information, creating an optimised text with high added value for the web user.
  3. Content integration on the site or platform in question (CMSblog, social networks, etc.)
  4. Quality control checking that instructions are followed, spelling is correct, the text flows smoothly, etc.
  5. Performance monitoring published content: positioning, traffic, bounce rateconversions, etc.

5. The difference between a traditional web copywriter and an SEO copywriter

While both specialise in creating content for the Internet, web copywriters focus primarily on producing articles, pages or product sheets that meet the expectations of the public. SEO copywriters, on the other hand, go a step further by integrating real expertise in natural referencing into their approach. They adapt their texts to the requirements of search engines to achieve greater online visibility.

6. Careers related to SEO copywriting

SEO copywriters may be required to work with other professionals in the webmarketingsuch that :

  • The referrerwhich implements global strategies to improve a site's visibility on search engines
  • The community managerin charge of managing and animating social networks
  • The content managerresponsible for editorial strategy and coordinating the editorial team
  • The web project managerwho oversees the various technical, financial and human aspects of a digital project
  • The web developerwhich creates and maintains the website or mobile application

7. Training to become an SEO copywriter

There is no single route to a career as an SEO copywriter. Initial training in communications, journalism, marketing, languages or literature can be a good starting point. It is then essential to train in the specifics of the profession: web copywriting, natural referencing, HTML, and so on. A number of organisations offer short courses or qualifying courses tailored to your needs.

8. Career opportunities for SEO copywriters

SEO copywriters can work as :

  • Employee within a company or a communications/digital marketing agency
  • Freelanceoffering its services directly to customers or via dedicated platforms
  • Partner with other professionals in the sector (web designers, developers, SEOs, etc.) to set up an independent structure

9. The essential tools of the SEO copywriter

SEO copywriters need to master various tools to facilitate their work and improve results:

  1. Keyword research tools
  2. Writing software
  3. Spell and syntax checkers
  4. Meta tag generators
  5. Keyword density analysis tools
  6. Office suites
  7. Positioning analysis and monitoring tools

10. The qualities of a good SEO copywriter

To succeed in this profession, it is important to have certain qualities, such as :

  • Adaptabilityto adjust the text to suit the audience, the format and the media.
  • Curiosityto keep abreast of developments in SEO techniques and learn more about the topics to be covered.
  • Austerity and the organisational skillsto comply with instructions and deadlines.
  • Team spirit and the communicationto work with the other members of the project (SEOs, developers, etc.).
  • Creativity and the a sense of storytellingto captivate web users and make them want to read and share the content on offer.
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