Understanding the SEO content audit: definition and explanations

by our SEO Agency Optimize 360

In the world of digital marketing, a content audit is an essential step in any marketing strategy. referencing natural (SEO).

This article takes an in-depth look at this crucial aspect, with a definition and 10 points of clarification.

Content audit

What is an SEO content audit?

SEO content audit is a process of analysing and evaluating the textual, visual and structural elements of a website or blog, in order to determine their effectiveness in terms of natural referencing. The aim is to check that the content is in line with the search engine positioning logic, such as Google while meeting user expectations. Here are 10 key points to help you understand this audit.

1. The objectives of an SEO content audit

This approach has several aims:

  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of existing content in terms of natural referencing;
  • Implement corrective actions to improve their performance and relevance;
  • Adapting editorial line to meet the needs of Internet users and the requirements of the algorithms search engines.

2. The importance of keywords and phrases

The content audit is used to determine whether the keywords and expressions used are relevant to the site's positioning on search engines. It is also necessary to analyse the competition and the evolution of visitor requests for these terms.

3. Duplicate content

One of the crucial aspects of the SEO content audit is the search for duplicate contentcontent, i.e. content that appears in several identical or similar versions on the same site or on different websites. This type of content is detrimental to SEO performance and needs to be corrected.

4. Editorial quality

It is important to ensure that the content is well written, understandable, attractive and well structured. Texts must be long enough to provide readers with useful information, while being optimised for search engines, which favour quality content.

5. Optimising meta tags

Work on meta tags (title, description) are also an integral part of the content audit. These tags play a key role in search engine results and must therefore be optimised with relevant keywords and an attractive description.

6. Images and videos

Another important aspect of the SEO content audit concerns the images and videos on the site. It is essential to check that their format, size and tagging are correct so as not to impact the loading speed pages and offer a user experience pleasant.

7. Site structure

The organisation of content and the architecture of the site must be studied during the audit. Good structuring not only makes it easier for users to navigate the site, but also makes it easier for them to find what they are looking for. indexing robots search engines (crawler).

8. Internal and external links

Addressing issues of internal links (internal networking) and external links (backlinks) is an essential part of a content audit. It is important to ensure that the links are up to date, relevant and allow a good flow of authority. Broken or non-functional links must be corrected quickly.

Benefits expected from an SEO content audit

9. Improved positioning

Naturally, one of the main benefits of a content audit in terms of SEO lies in improving the positioning of the website in search engine results. By correcting the shortcomings identified, you can hope to see your site climb up the Google rankings, Bingetc.

10. Increased traffic and conversion

At the same time as this improvement in positioning is taking place, there is a general trend towards increase in organic traffici.e. from search engines. If the content is well designed to meet the expectations of Internet users and encourage engagement or conversion (purchases, registrations, requests for information), this can translate into an increase in return on investment (ROI) in terms of digital marketing.

In conclusion, the SEO content audit is a key process for checking and optimising the performance of a website in terms of natural referencing. It helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the content present, while proposing relevant areas for improvement to consolidate its positioning over the long term.

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