Understanding the role of an SEO analyst

SEO analyst: Who is he? What is their role?

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In the world of online marketing and search engine optimisation, theSEO analyst is a key player in the success of your website's visibility on search engines. In this article, we'll explore the definition of an SEO analyst as well as their expertise and tactics for improving your online positioning.

SEO Analyst

What is an SEO analyst?

SEO analyst (Search Engine Optimization) is a professional who specialises in optimising websites to improve their visibility and ranking on search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo. The main objective of an SEO analyst is to increase organic traffic and content quality by optimising the technical, semantic and structural aspects of the site.

The expertise of the SEO analyst

SEO analysts have a sound knowledge of the various natural referencing practices and algorithms used by search engines. They must also have good understanding the main web programming languages, such as HTML, CSS and JavaScriptas well as analytical tools such as Google Analytics. The SEO analyst's areas of expertise include :

  • SEO audit Evaluate the current performance of a website and identify areas for improvement in terms of natural referencing.
  • Keyword search Identify the most relevant terms and expressions for your sector of activity in order to optimise the content of your website.
  • On-page optimisation improving the structure, content and meta tags (title, meta description) of the pages on your site so that they are better indexed by search engines.
  • Off-page optimisation developing a strategy for netlinking to obtain quality inbound links and increase your site's popularity with search engines.
  • Competitive analysis SEO: study the SEO strategies put in place by your competitors to help you develop an action plan tailored to your market.

In addition to these technical skills, SEO analysts must also possess human qualities such as analytical skills, rigour, curiosity and the ability to work as part of a team. This will enable them to adapt their tactics and recommendations to the specific needs of each client.

The main tactics of an SEO analyst

1. Technical optimisation of the site

The first step in improving a website's natural referencing is to optimise its technical performance. The SEO analyst will therefore :

    • Improve page loading speed: by reducing the weight of images, using a cache system and optimising CSS and JavaScript files.
    • Make the site compatible with mobile devices (responsive design) to offer a user experience on all types of screen.
    • Ensure that search engines index the site's pages correctly by means of a clear structure and an XML sitemap (sitemap).
    • Correct technical errors, such as broken links or duplicate contentwhich can affect the site's ranking in search results.

2. Content optimisation

Content is king in the world of natural referencing. The SEO analyst must therefore work on :

    • Creating high-quality content that is unique and relevant to your target audience: blog articles, videos, infographics, etc.
    • Optimising the title and meta description tags to encourage visitors to click on your pages in the search results.
    • The use of keywords identified during preliminary research to improve the site's positioning on these terms.

3. Building links

Le netlinking consists of obtaining backlinks from other websites. This technique is essential for increasing your site's popularity with search engines. The SEO analyst must develop an effective netlinking strategy by :

    • Identifying potential partners: sites in your business sector, specialist directories, influential blogs, etc.
    • Proposing quality content that is relevant to these partners, so that they have a real interest in sharing a link to your site.
    • Follow the rules imposed by search engines (particularly Google) on inbound links, to avoid any risk of penalties.

The importance of regular monitoring

Improving the natural referencing of a website is a long-term project, requiring a great deal of time and effort. regular monitoring and adjustments over time.

SEO analysts must therefore put in place tools to measure and analyse the performance of their actions, such as Google Analytics or specific SEO software.

What's more, changes in search engine algorithms and industry practices mean that professionals need to keep a constant eye on the latest trends and possible optimisations.

In short, SEO analysts play an essential role in your website's visibility and its ability to generate quality organic traffic. With their expertise and varied tactics, they will help you maximise your chances of success in the competitive world of the web.

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