The SEO Account Manager: a key player in your online success

SEO account manager: Who is he? What is their role?

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The field of natural referencing, also known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO)is essential for any company wishing to increase its visibility on the Internet.

To achieve this, it is often necessary to call on the services of a professional capable of managing the various strategies and actions that need to be put in place to optimise your online presence.

One of these professionals is the SEO Account Manager. Find out what it is, what it does and what skills you need for this fast-growing profession.

SEO Account Manager

What is an SEO Account Manager?

An SEO Account Manager is a specialist in natural referencing whose job is to help companies improve their positioning in search engine results. They generally work within a web agency or a digital department, and works with clients in a wide range of sectors.

Its main role is to designing, planning and monitoring SEO campaigns to optimise the visibility of their customers' websites. They must also be able to analyse the performance obtained and adjust their strategy accordingly.

Although SEO is often seen as a technical discipline, the SEO Account Manager must also have solid interpersonal skills, as they regularly interact with their customers and the various members of their team (copywriters, developers, community managers, etc.).

The main tasks of the SEO Account Manager

The SEO Account Manager is responsible for a range of tasks designed to improve the ranking of his clients' websites.

SEO analysis and audit

Firstly, it must carry out a complete diagnosis of website which will enable it to identify the strengths and weaknesses it needs to work on: site structure, content quality, popularity, technical aspects, etc.

This audit will enable the SEO Account Manager to put in place a customised strategy to increase your visibility in search engine results.

Definition of objectives and key performance indicators

He must then determine the objectives to be achieved in agreement with his customers, such as improving the rate of conversiongenerating qualified traffic and developing online brand awareness.

To measure the effectiveness of their actions, SEO Account Managers use the following indicators key performance indicators (KPI)such as the number of visitors, the average length of visit, the bounce rateranking in search results, etc.

Implementation of SEO actions

Once the objectives have been set, the SEO Account Manager puts the strategy into practice through a number of practical actions:

    • Content optimisation They work in collaboration with the copywriters to produce high-quality, relevant content that is optimised for natural referencing (keywords), Hn beaconsmeta description...).
    • Technical optimisation Webmaster: works with developers to improve website performance (loading time, mobile compatibility, semantic mark-up, etc.).
    • Netlinking It takes care of creating and optimising inbound and outbound links, which are an essential factor in improving a site's popularity with search engines.

Monitoring and strategic adjustments

Throughout their assignment, SEO Account Managers must closely monitor the results obtained and keep up to date with the constant changes in search engine algorithms. In this way, they can adjust their strategy if necessary and draw up recommendations to maintain or improve their customers' visibility in the search results.

Skills required for this job

To work as an SEO Account Manager, you need a number of technical and interpersonal skills:

  • Mastery of SEO tools : Google AnalyticsGoogle Search Console, SEMrushMoz...
  • Knowledge of web languages : HTML, CSSJavaScript...
  • Ability to analyse and interpret data to draw up well-founded and relevant recommendations.
  • Ability to work in a team with other editorial or technical digital marketing specialists.
  • Communication and listening skills to understand its customers' needs and expectations.
  • Curiosity and constant monitoring to keep abreast of trends and developments in SEO.

In short, the SEO Account Manager is a versatile professional with a passion for his or her job, capable of using their technical and interpersonal skills to improve companies' online visibility and enable them to achieve their objectives.

With growing demand in this field, there are many career prospects for those who wish to embark on this exciting career.

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