Understanding search volume in SEO and its importance

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on the Theme Semantic SEO

In the world of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), it is essential to know and analyse the data relating to our efforts to increase our visibility on search engines.

A key element to consider when planning our SEO strategy is the search volume.

But what exactly is it, and how does it influence our performance in terms of ranking? In this article, we're going to explore the different aspects of search volume in SEO and give you some advice on how to optimise your content accordingly.

Search volume

What is search volume in SEO?

Le search volume in SEO refers to the number of searches carried out by Internet users on a given website. keyword or a specific expression over a given period, usually a month. This data tells us how popular a keyword is, and is therefore a valuable indicator of whether it has potential in terms of traffic and sales. conversion.

Keywords and long tail expressions :

There are two main types of keywords, depending on the number of searches to which they are subjected:

  • Popular keywords : These have a high search volume because many Internet users search for these terms. They are therefore highly competitive and can be difficult to position on the first pages of search results.
  • Long tail keywords and expressions : These terms are less popular, but generally more specific. Their search volume is lower than that of popular keywords, but they offer the advantage of being less competitive and therefore easier to reference.

Why is search volume crucial to your SEO strategy?

Knowing the search volume of a keyword gives you a better understanding of the behaviour of your customers. audience target. By targeting keywords that are relevant to your products or services and have a good search volume, you can not only attract qualified traffic to your site, but also increase your chances of conversion and thus improve your sales.

How do you determine the search volume for a keyword?

There are several online tools for measuring the volume of searches for a keyword. Some of the best known are Google Ads Keyword Planner, SEMrush and Ahrefs. Each offers its own methodology for estimating search volume, and the accuracy of these estimates can vary. Here's how to proceed with each of them:

  1. Google Ads Keyword Planner : This free tool from Google gives you data on the average monthly search volume for a keyword and the competition for that keyword. This will enable you to identify the best opportunities for optimising your search engine optimisation.

  2. SEMrush : SEMrush is a pay solution offering a comprehensive range of features for analysing your site and those of your competitors in terms of positioning, search engine optimisation, etc. backlinks and keywords. The Keyword Magic Tool will give you access to the average monthly search volume per keyword, as well as other useful data such as cost per click (CPC) or the level of competition.

  3. Ahrefs : This popular SEO tool also offers an analysis of search volume, as well as other indicators such as traffic potential and the level of difficulty in ranking for a specific keyword. It's a robust and versatile solution for fine-tuning your SEO strategy.

How can you use search volume in your SEO strategy?

Once you've determined the search volume for keywords that are relevant to your business, it's time to use them to improve your SEO. Here are a few tips on how to make the most of this data:

1. Find the right balance between popularity and competitiveness:

Look for keywords that have a good search volume but are less competitive. This will make it easier for you to obtain qualified traffic to your site without having to spend too much time and effort on positioning yourself. Don't forget to consider long tail expressions which, despite their low search volume, can generate qualified traffic if they correspond to the intention of your target audience.

2. Create optimised content :

Be sure to incorporate the identified keywords into your content in a natural and consistent way, avoiding over-optimisation (keyword stuffing). Use variations of these terms to broaden the scope of your pages and improve their relevance to Internet users and search engines.

3. Follow the trends:

It's crucial to keep abreast of the latest search trends in your industry. Search volumes can vary over time depending on the season, news or specific events. Regularly adapt your SEO strategy by readjusting the keywords you target and creating new content tailored to the current needs of your audience.

Search volume in SEO is an essential factor in the success of your natural referencing campaigns.

By understanding how to use this information to select the most relevant keywords for your business, you can optimise your website and gain visibility on search engine results pages, while attracting qualified traffic that is conducive to conversion.

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