Understanding Search Experience Optimisation in 10 points

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What is Search Experience Optimisation?

Over the last few years, search engine optimisation (SEO) has evolved from a simple strategy based on key words and content to a more holistic approach that places greater emphasis on theuser experience.

This is where the Search Experience Optimization (SXO), a technique closely related to SEO, but which aims to improve the user experience while increasing online visibility.

In this article, we'll explore 10 key aspects of SXO to help you better understand this trend and how it can help strengthen your online presence.

Search Experience Optimization

1. What is SXO?

The term "Search Experience Optimization" comes from theacronym SXO and it refers to a series of practices and strategies designed to optimise the user experience while taking into account the needs of search engines. In this sense, SXO can be seen as a natural evolution of traditional SEO.

a. Combining UX and SEO

The idea behind SXO is to combine best practice in user experience (UX) and SEO to provide users with a superior online experience. This means that, rather than focusing solely on keywords and content structuring, SXO specialists also look to improve navigation, design and functionality to deliver an exceptional user experience.

2. Why is this important?

Search engines such as Google are placing increasing emphasis on user experience when ranking websites in their search results. Indeed, it has been shown that factors such as loading speed pages, the relevance of the content and the general ergonomics of the site have a direct impact on online ranking and visibility.

a. Improve the conversion rate

What's more, a good user experience encourages users to stay on your site and interact with your content. This often translates into a higher conversion and an overall increase in sales or leads generated.

3. Adopt a mobile-first approach

SXO means keeping in mind the growing importance of mobile devices. Search engines now attach considerable importance to mobile optimisation and performance on these devices. Adopting a mobile-first approach means that you design your website by prioritising the needs of mobile users first, then adding additional functionality for desktop users if necessary.

4. Don't neglect content

Although the SXO emphasises user experience, it is essential not to neglect the quality of your content. A high-quality contentrelevant to your target audience, will not only help you improve your search engine rankings, but also generate user engagement and strengthen your brand image.

5. Optimising user-related metrics

To achieve the best results with SXO, it is important to carefully monitor user-related metrics, such as time spent on the site, number of visits to the site, and the number of visitors to the site. bounce rate or page load speed. This data will provide you with valuable information for adjusting and refining your SXO strategy over time.

6. Make sure your site is easy to navigate

One of the keys to providing an excellent user experience is to ensure that your site is easy to navigate. This means that you should implement a clear, structured site architecture, use intuitive menus and ensure that each page can be reached with just a few clicks. Not only will this make it easier for users to navigate, it will also make it easier for search engines to index your site.

7. Focus on design

The design of your website plays a crucial role in how users perceive your company. They will quickly judge whether your site looks professional and trustworthy. So it's important to take care of the design to ensure a positive user experience.

8. Adapt the content to your target audience

It is essential toadapt your content the needs and expectations of your target audience. This means understanding their preferences, their language, their level of knowledge and the subjects that really interest them.

9. Optimising the use of internal links

Internal links are another key element of SXO, as they help visitors to navigate your site and discover additional content based on their interests. They are also important for search engine ranking, as they provide a better understanding of your site's structure and allow certain pages to be given more weight.

10. Anticipate future changes

Finally, it's important to keep abreast of trends and innovations in the SXO field so that you can continually adapt and improve your strategy. Technologies evolve rapidly, and what works today may not be effective tomorrow. So be prepared to make adjustments in line with new practices and user expectations.

In a nutshell, Search Experience Optimisation is a holistic approach that aims to deliver the best possible user experience while strengthening your online presence. By adopting a strategy that focuses on meeting the needs of your audience and giving equal importance to user experience and traditional SEO, you'll be better positioned to succeed in today's digital world.

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